Deadline Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deadline Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ben fear about dying?
(a) Curious and slightly fearful.
(b) Excited.
(c) Deeply depressed.
(d) Terrified.

2. Why does Ben's doctor call him after his appointment?
(a) To set up an appointment with Ben and his parents.
(b) To tell him to come see him.
(c) The doctor does not call Ben.
(d) To let him know he is dying.

3. How long does Dallas want Ben to stay when he goes to her house in Chapter 9?
(a) Only a few minutes.
(b) Until midnight.
(c) Two hours.
(d) All night.

4. What does Rudy show Ben when he stops by his room?
(a) That he has a copy of Malcolm X's book, too.
(b) Rudy's football trophy from high school.
(c) His crucifix from being a priest.
(d) His journal that he writes in daily.

5. What kind of vehicle did the coach give Ben?
(a) A 1941 Chevy pickup.
(b) A jeep.
(c) A land rover.
(d) A Toyota.

6. What subject does Mr. Lambeer teach?
(a) Geography.
(b) History.
(c) U.S. government and current events.
(d) English.

7. Why do Ben and Cody want their team to do well at the Horseshoe Bend game?
(a) Their cousin plays for them.
(b) They have beat everyone this season.
(c) They are their traditional rivals.
(d) So the scouts see Cody in a good light.

8. How does Ben contact Hey-Soos?
(a) By going to church.
(b) By just thinking about him.
(c) In a near dream state.
(d) By breathing deeply for a few minutes.

9. What does Dallas ask Ben at lunch in Chapter 7?
(a) When they are going out again.
(b) Why he is reading Malcolm X's autobiography.
(c) If he plans to stay on the football team.
(d) If he enjoyed sex with her.

10. What does the coach remind the players of in his first talk to them?
(a) That winning is everything.
(b) That football is more important than academics.
(c) That losing is not all bad.
(d) The rules on and off the field.

11. How does Cody and Ben's mother feel about the game?
(a) She is thrilled.
(b) She is afraid for them to play football.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She is not there.

12. What does the song Ben hears on his player say about dying?
(a) Dying old and in bed.
(b) The world is a rotten place so die young.
(c) Waiting until you're too old to die young.
(d) Dying young and getting a lot of attention.

13. What does Ben's father say about his wife's illness?
(a) He is thinking about divorce.
(b) He will leave after the boys leave.
(c) He will stick by her to the end.
(d) He may have to have her committed.

14. What does Ben's therapist encourage him to do?
(a) Joke a lot.
(b) Talk to his parents.
(c) Get treatment.
(d) Stay on task.

15. What changes the Horseshoe Bend game on the day of the game?
(a) Cody has hurt his knee.
(b) Sooner has a broken collarbone.
(c) Ben is in the hospital.
(d) The coach is sick.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ben view dating Dallas Suzuki?

2. Who is Marla Dawson?

3. What does Ben's father do for a living?

4. What affect does grueling practices have on the football team?

5. What bothers Ben about his relationship with Dallas?

(see the answer keys)

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