Days of Distraction Test | Final Test - Easy

Alexandra Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Days of Distraction Test | Final Test - Easy

Alexandra Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What insult does a kindergarten classmate say to Alexandra that is racist?
(a) Her skin is yellow.
(b) Her eyes are funny.
(c) Her nose is flat and ugly.
(d) Her hair is too dark.

2. Where in Ithaca is Alexandra's and J's sublet apartment?
(a) Fall Creek.
(b) Henry's Hedge.
(c) Riverstone.
(d) Farberry.

3. What does the company that approaches Alexandra to work for them while she is on her road trip require as part of the job?
(a) For her to move back to San Francisco.
(b) For her to break up with J.
(c) For her to give them all her passwords.
(d) For her to sign an NDA.

4. What song does J sing to the cat and dog?
(a) Cotton-Eyed Joe.
(b) Ebony and Ivory.
(c) Spirit in the Sky.
(d) Down Home.

5. What does J bring Alexandra from the Steak 'n Shake?
(a) A roasted chicken.
(b) A container of onion rings.
(c) A burger.
(d) A fish sandwich.

6. What video site does Alexandra spend a significant amount of time on?
(a) SnapChat.
(b) Facebook.
(c) Vine.
(d) YouTube.

7. What does J once tell Alexandra is a reason he loves her?
(a) Her hair.
(b) Her career.
(c) Her loyalty.
(d) Her sense of humor.

8. Why does J say he is so late coming home from the lab?
(a) He goes drinking with colleagues.
(b) He is running experiments.
(c) He is doing lectures.
(d) He is talking to his boss.

9. What does Alexandra think the East Coast "understands" better than the West Coast?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Mortality.
(c) Sunshine.
(d) Happiness.

10. What holiday do Ithacans celebrate that was not really observed in San Francisco as much?
(a) Flag Day.
(b) Columbus Day.
(c) Juneteenth.
(d) Fourth of July.

11. What does Alexandra's seventh grade history teacher say about Chinese people that is racist?
(a) They have ugly skin.
(b) They are known for being cheap labor.
(c) They name their children by throwing pots and pans down the stairs.
(d) They can not see as well as white people.

12. What kitchen items have inspirational sayings on them that Alexandra uses?
(a) Stickers on bread.
(b) Tea bags.
(c) Bottle caps.
(d) Spoons.

13. Which relative of J's is having a birthday party in Part III?
(a) Uncle Bill.
(b) His grandmother.
(c) His mother.
(d) His brother.

14. What causes a major argument between J and Alexandra in Part IV?
(a) A difference of opinion about food.
(b) A disagreement about the conduct of the professor who asks Alexandra to apply for a job.
(c) Fights about money.
(d) Alexandra's decision to move back to San Francisco.

15. What coffee shop in Ithaca does Alexandra like to go to?
(a) Xandos.
(b) Richard's.
(c) Gimme!
(d) Hattie's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Alexandra and J stop to see some of his relatives in their road trip?

2. Who is Alexandra's father's first wife?

3. What was one of Alexandra's most prized pieces of clothing for years?

4. What does Alexandra dress up as for Halloween?

5. What does Alexandra consider doing to try to learn more about her family heritage?

(see the answer keys)

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