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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who dies as the novel opens?
2. What happens to Ballard three days after his surgery in the hospital?
3. According to Ballard, what do the scars above his patella replicate?
4. Why does Ballard visit the Northolt police pound?
5. Who witnessed Ballard inappropriately touch a flight attendant on an escalator and were on his flight to Orly?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why doesn't Catherine attend the funeral for Dr. Helen Remington's husband and what does it show about her character?
2. Why does Ballard recognize Dr. Robert Vaughan when he sees him with the camera in the parking garage and why is it significant?
3. In the hospital, what does Ballard begin to do once he's mobile and how is it significant?
4. Who is with Dr. Helen Remington in the hospital and why is it significant?
5. How is the man killed in the crash with Ballard symbolic?
6. Why does Ballard wear a seat belt when he crashes his car and how is it significant?
7. What does the prostitute Ballard hires share in common with his wife and his lover and what do they show about Ballard's character?
8. How does the wife of the man killed in the crash with Ballard react to the crash and why is it significant?
9. What are Ballard's injuries from his crash with the man and his wife and how does he respond to them?
10. What is Helen Remington doing at the impound yard when Ballard returns to survey the damage to his car and what does it show about her character?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss the uses of technology in "Crash."
1) What is the role of technology in the characters' lives?
2) How do the characters respond to and identify with technology?
3) How is technology a metaphor for evolution?
Essay Topic 2
What is the role of fame in the novel?
1) How does Vaughan use his celebrity status in the novel?
2) Why is Vaughan and Seagrave obsessed with famous figures?
3) What is the connection between immortality and fame?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the treatment of women in "Crash." Provide specific examples to support your statements.
1) How would you characterize Ballard's relationship with the women in his life?
2) What roles do the women embrace and what roles do they reject and why?
This section contains 847 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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