Crash Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crash Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name the researchers at the Road Research Laboratory give the mannequin on the motorcycle?
(a) Elvis.
(b) Brando.
(c) Sinatra.
(d) Dean.

2. According to Vaughan, who has never been in a major crash so "everything lies in the future for her?"
(a) Catherine.
(b) Vera Seagrave
(c) Elizabeth Taylor.
(d) Renata.

3. According to Ballard, who wears her hair in a "simulated Afro wig"?
(a) Vera.
(b) Helen.
(c) Catherine.
(d) Renata.

4. After the simulated crash with the family of four and the motorcycle at the Road Research Laboratory, what does Vaughan tell Ballard he's always wanted to do?
(a) Film a famous crash.
(b) Drive a crashed car.
(c) Learn to fly.
(d) Become a researcher.

5. Who wears a back brace, steel clamps and has gas bacillus scars on her kneecaps?
(a) Gabrielle.
(b) Helen.
(c) Catherine.
(d) Vera.

6. At the studio, who does Ballard see dressed up to resemble a famous screen actress, wearing a fawn suede coat, brassiere, and makeup?
(a) Vaughan.
(b) A stranger.
(c) Seagrave.
(d) An extra.

7. Who are the five film actresses Seagrave devised an "abattoir of sexual mutiliation" for Vaughan's questionnaire?
(a) Bette Davis, Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, Bardot, and Raquel Welch.
(b) Bette Davis, Jayne Mansfield, Elizabeth Taylor, Bardot, and Raquel Welch.
(c) Garbo, Jayne Mansfield, Elizabeth Taylor, Bardot, and Raquel Welch.
(d) Garbo, Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, Bardot, and Raquel Welch.

8. When Renata meets Ballard in the parking lot of the studio, what does she ask him about the crushed Citroen Pallas saloon car?
(a) If Elizabeth Taylor will drive it.
(b) If Julie Andrews will drive it.
(c) If Sean Connery will drive it.
(d) If Paul Newman will drive it.

9. According to Ballard, "It isn't sex that Vaughan is interested in, but _______."
(a) Violence.
(b) Technology.
(c) Life.
(d) Death.

10. What happens to the young woman chauffeur of the government saloon on the Harlington clearway?
(a) She is badly injured.
(b) She is uninjured.
(c) She dies.
(d) She has minor injuries.

11. Whose death does Ballard begin to think about in a "more calculated way" than the one Vaughan designed for a famous film actress?
(a) His.
(b) Catherine's.
(c) Helen's.
(d) Vaughan's.

12. How old are the "sharp-faced airport whores" Vaughan is arguing with when Ballard comes out of the bar?
(a) "As old as Queen and country."
(b) "Barely older than schoolchildren."
(c) "As old as Queen Mum."
(d) "Barely older than School marms."

13. According to Ballard, Helen was about to enter a period of what after her bereavement?
(a) Bliss.
(b) Promiscuity.
(c) Isolation.
(d) Celibacy.

14. How does Vaughan position himself and Catherine in the backseat while Ballard watches them have sex?
(a) In the same posture as Ballard and Helen.
(b) In the same posture as the diplomat and young woman.
(c) In the same posture as Elizabeth Taylor and her husband.
(d) In the same posture as Vaughan and the prostitute.

15. After leaving the hospital, what does Vaughan show Ballard at Seagrave's house?
(a) An album of accident photos.
(b) A laboratory of blood samples.
(c) A film of car crashes.
(d) A museum of car parts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of equipment does Vaughan have in his apartment?

2. At the Road Research Laboratory, when does Ballard feel his sense of disembodiment and unreality increase?

3. According to Vaughan, why is it important for him to have Elizabeth Taylor fill out his questionnaire?

4. Why does Helen insist that she and Ballard follow Vaughan and Seagrave to Seagrave's home?

5. How many cars collide at the junction of the eastern descent ramp of the flyover?

(see the answer keys)

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