The Country of the Pointed Firs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Country of the Pointed Firs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What specialty is revealed during the dessert course?
(a) A gingerbread model of the Bowdens' homestead.
(b) A chocolate cake made using the Bowdens' own recipe.
(c) A chocolate model of the Bowdens' garden.
(d) A gingerbread model of Dunnet Landing.

2. What happens to Mrs. Blackett upon arrival?
(a) She is immediately whisked away by others.
(b) She injures herself stepping out of the carriage.
(c) The crowd of visitors ignores her.
(d) She is asked to be the guest of honor.

3. Why doesn't Sant make the most of his potential?
(a) Financial reasons.
(b) Lack of ambition.
(c) His illness.
(d) His father's alcoholism.

4. With whom does Mrs. Todd go to visit Joanna in Chapter 13?
(a) Her mother.
(b) The minister.
(c) Her husband.
(d) The sea captain.

5. Why is the narrator surprised by the invitation?
(a) She doesn't feel she belongs to the community.
(b) She isn't a member of the family.
(c) She doesn't have anything to wear.
(d) The departure is so soon.

6. Why is the narrator glad someone interrupts her at the beginning of Chapter 20?
(a) She wants to talk about the Miranda.
(b) She feels somewhat lonely.
(c) She doesn't feel safe walking alone.
(d) She wants to talk about the Caplins.

7. What happens to Joanna's half of the family farm?
(a) She gives it away.
(b) She sells it.
(c) Her brother takes it over.
(d) She loses it to her ex-fiancé.

8. How long does Joanna stay isolated?
(a) 5 years.
(b) Until she becomes ill.
(c) Until she dies.
(d) 10 years.

9. What does the narrator encounter on Shell-Heap Island in Chapter 15?
(a) A great collection of shells.
(b) A lovely garden.
(c) The ruins of Joanna's home.
(d) Joanna's old home, intact just as she left it.

10. What does Elijah do in honor of his wife?
(a) He lives a solitary life alone in their house.
(b) He cries when he talks about her.
(c) He visits her grave daily.
(d) He vows never to remarry.

11. How does the narrator imagine Elijah bringing home the furnishings?
(a) In a carriage.
(b) With his wife.
(c) On a ship.
(d) In his boat.

12. How does Elijah refer to his late wife?
(a) Poor dear.
(b) Poor Sarah.
(c) My dear wife.
(d) Dear Sarah.

13. What does Mrs. Todd suggest they take for the trip?
(a) A high wagon.
(b) A carriage.
(c) Some herbs.
(d) A snack.

14. Which characteristic does the narrator notice first about Elijah?
(a) Suspiciousness.
(b) Melancholy.
(c) Friendliness.
(d) Warmth.

15. Who is the one person Mrs. Todd doesn't want to see at the reunion?
(a) William Blackett.
(b) Captain Bowden.
(c) Sant Bowden.
(d) Sarah Jane Blackett.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had Mrs. Todd been doing prior to her evening visit with Mrs. Fosdick and the narrator at the beginning of Chapter 13?

2. What do the narrator, Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Blackett conclude is the only drawback to the day?

3. What emotion does Elijah awaken in the narrator?

4. Where is the narrator at the opening of Chapter 20?

5. What does the narrator say the idle lobster boats tied up at the shoreline seem to be doing at the beginning of Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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