Cosmicomics Test | Final Test - Easy

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Cosmicomics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far away is the galaxy where the narrator sees the sign?
(a) Fifty million light years.
(b) Ten million light years.
(c) A hundred and fifty million light years.
(d) A hundred million light years.

2. What is the second sign the narrator sees, when he is looking for reactions to his magnanimous and generous actions?
(a) You have a hole in your sock.
(b) You have a shoe untied.
(c) You have forgotten your gloves.
(d) You have a flannel undershirt.

3. How does Dean (k)yK react when Qfwfq loses a bet?
(a) He solemnly chides Qfwfq's foolishness.
(b) He laughs at Qfwfq.
(c) He frowns, thinking that though he's won one bet, he's lost too many.
(d) He is polite and happy.

4. What weapon does Lieutenant Fenimore use against the narrator?
(a) A baton.
(b) A pistol.
(c) A dart.
(d) A sword.

5. What is the first bet Qfwfq makes before the beginning of the universe?
(a) That the universe will begin at a specific point.
(b) That there will be a universe.
(c) That matter will exist.
(d) That there was a previous universe.

6. What job does Zahn recommend Qfwfq for, which Qfwfq would rather not do?
(a) Defending the village.
(b) Exploring new territory.
(c) Being ambassador to neighboring species.
(d) Ruling the village.

7. What does the mollusk think of the development of eyesight?
(a) It's something that eventually all things must do.
(b) It's impossibly difficult.
(c) It's a trivial task compared to making a shell to be seen.
(d) It's a terrible curse for those who have it.

8. How many people does the narrator expect will see the second event in his life, of which he is proud, compared to the first more shaming moment?
(a) The same number who saw the first.
(b) More than saw the first.
(c) Less than saw the first.
(d) No one.

9. What begins to happen to Qfwfq and Dean (k)yK's bets after humanity appears on the scene?
(a) Dean (k)yK stops betting.
(b) Qfwfq begins to win every bet, without exception.
(c) Dean (k)yK begins to win more bets.
(d) Dean (k)yK begins to win every bet, without exception.

10. How do the New Ones subsist?
(a) They grow vegetables in gardens.
(b) They catch fish from the river.
(c) They gather berries, mushrooms, and vegetables from the woods.
(d) They hunt deer in the woods.

11. When Fern-flower dreams of a dinosaur being teased, what does she do in the dream?
(a) She protects the dinosaur.
(b) She watches and finds it funny.
(c) She watches and finds it upsetting.
(d) She teases the dinosaur.

12. After the narrator speculates that Ursula H'x and Lieutenant Fenimore might have met at some time in the past, what does he deduce from this speculation?
(a) That Ursula H'x developed a dislike for Lieutenant Fenimore.
(b) That Ursula H'x and Lieutenant Fenimore are moving away from each other.
(c) That Ursula H'x and Lieutenant Fenimore will circle around and meet again.
(d) That Ursula H'x developed a love for Lieutenant Fenimore.

13. Why is Lll more agile than Qfwfq?
(a) She has a new kind of knee joint.
(b) She was born on land.
(c) She has run races all her life.
(d) She is younger than Qfwfq.

14. How does Lieutenant Fenimore react when the narrator indicates he's seen a universe?
(a) He is irritated.
(b) He is horrified.
(c) He is thrilled.
(d) He is contemptuous.

15. What does Qfwfq predict will happen to stars?
(a) They will begin emitting helium.
(b) They will break into smaller stars.
(c) They will burst into fire.
(d) They will slowly grow in size.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the second sign that the narrator sees through his telescope say?

2. Which of the following impossible fantasies does the narrator have in his shapeless form?

3. What does N'ba N'ga say his relatives get from living on land?

4. Who does Ursula H'x always look at as she falls?

5. To what does the narrator compare the paths of the characters' falls?

(see the answer keys)

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