Confessions of Zeno Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of Zeno Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Zeno feel after his future wife accepted his proposal?
(a) Immensely satisfied.
(b) Afraid of what he'd done.
(c) Confused.
(d) Guilty.

2. Who managed Zeno's father's business affairs?
(a) His wife.
(b) Giovanni.
(c) Olivi.
(d) Giovanna.

3. How does Zeno always try to quit smoking?
(a) He stops buying cigarettes.
(b) He hides his cigarettes.
(c) He makes resolutions.
(d) He throws all of his cigarettes into the trash.

4. What condition did Zeno think his father had?
(a) Tuberculosis.
(b) Cerebral hemorrhage.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Consumption.

5. Who accepted Zeno's proposal in the end?
(a) Augusta.
(b) Anna.
(c) Giovanna.
(d) Carla.

6. Using which words does Zeno describe Giovanna?
(a) Mean and cold.
(b) Competent and no-nonsense.
(c) Large and overbearing.
(d) Shrill and little.

7. How does Zeno say Guido felt about women?
(a) He thought they were smarter than men.
(b) He disliked them.
(c) He loved them.
(d) He admired their nurturing qualities.

8. What did Zeno tell his father he was doing with his coat?
(a) Admiring the color.
(b) Looking for loose change.
(c) Brushing it off.
(d) Counting buttons.

9. Who discovered that Zeno's father was having health distress?
(a) Olivi.
(b) Dr. Muli
(c) Maria.
(d) Zeno,

10. A doctor asked Zeno's father to return for a follow-up visit after a few weeks. Why didn't his father go back to the doctor?
(a) He believed the doctor was incompetent.
(b) He said the doctor's fees were astronomical.
(c) He said doctors and grave diggers were equally odious.
(d) He felt better.

11. What did Zeno's father do right before he died?
(a) He said he was frightened.
(b) He asked to see Zeno's mother.
(c) He ate his favorite meal.
(d) He struck Zeno.

12. How did Zeno and Giovanna pass their time together?
(a) They had a physical fight.
(b) They ignored each other.
(c) They argued most of the time.
(d) They talked and shared a bottle of wine.

13. Why did Zeno become agitated in the sanatorium?
(a) He was attracted to the person who was left to guard him.
(b) He suspected that he wife was having an affair with Dr. Muli.
(c) He didn't get his last cigarette.
(d) He had nicotine withdrawal.

14. Why does Zeno say he visited a doctor who used electricity to cure diseases?
(a) He hoped the doctor would discover that the nicotine was poisoning his blood.
(b) He hoped the doctor would treat his lack of stomach acids.
(c) He wanted a cure for his troubles with women.
(d) He thought electricity could cure his insomnia.

15. What did Zeno's relatives reveal about his father?
(a) He was a gambler.
(b) He drank too much.
(c) He may have been unfaithful.
(d) He knew Zeno's secret.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Tullio?

2. What did the doctor decide was ailing Zeno?

3. What does Zeno say about the noble attitude one has when he makes a resolution to quit smoking?

4. How many commandments did Giovanni write in Zeno's notebook?

5. Whose idea was it to get the doctor when Zeno's father became ill?

(see the answer keys)

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