Confessions of Zeno Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of Zeno Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, Wife and Mistress.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many times does Zeno say Giovanni cheated him?
(a) Five times.
(b) Three times.
(c) Ten times.
(d) Two times.

2. Did Zeno cry immediately when he discovered that his father was ill?
(a) Yes.
(b) He tried to cry but could not.
(c) He did but pretended to have dust in his eyes.
(d) No.

3. What does Zeno say about people who have not yet experienced marriage?
(a) They're missing out on one of the greatest joys in life.
(b) They undervalue it.
(c) They are smart to avoid marriage.
(d) They think it is more important than it really is.

4. What two fears does Zeno discuss in Chapter 4?
(a) Fear of life with only one woman.
(b) The fear of growing old and dying.
(c) Fear of being insignificant.
(d) Fear that Augusta will betray him.

5. How did Zeno feel after his future wife accepted his proposal?
(a) Immensely satisfied.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Confused.
(d) Afraid of what he'd done.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Zeno say that he did after making a resolution to stop smoking?

2. How did Zeno escape the sanatorium?

3. On Zeno's third visit to see Carla, why didn't he think of Augusta?

4. Where was Zeno when his father died?

5. What effect did Zeno think his marriage had on him at first?

(see the answer key)

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