The Client Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Client Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After witnessing Romey's death, what happens when the two boys get home?
(a) Ricky collapses in a state of shock.
(b) Ricky calls the police.
(c) Ricky calls his mother.
(d) Mark wets his pants.

2. What happens when Mark sees Romey's picture in the paper along with the story of his death?
(a) Mark faints.
(b) Mark vomits.
(c) Mark begins to cry silently.
(d) Mark almost vomits.

3. What does Romey tell his old law school classmate when he calls him?
(a) How much his fees have increased.
(b) How much money he is making as a Mafia lawyer.
(c) Where a body is hidden.
(d) That he needs to quit The Blade case.

4. Who tells Clint that he is a reporter who wants to talk with Reggie?
(a) Muldanno.
(b) Boxx.
(c) Nance.
(d) Foltrigg.

5. What ultimate prank does Mark pull on a Memphis police officer while in jail?
(a) He writes the police officer's name, phone number, and home address on the cell wall.
(b) He tosses a water balloon from his cell window at the officer.
(c) He calls the officer at home and asks if his refrigerator is running.
(d) He orders 40 pizzas in the officer's name and sends them to the police station.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mark's mother happy to meet Reggie?

2. How does Romey implicate Mark as having some connection with his suicide?

3. Why is Mark's mother crying when Reggie arrives at the hospital in Chapter 16?

4. What is ironic about the Foltrigg's plan to question Mark in juvenile court?

5. When Mark finally tells his mother and the doctor the truth about what he witnessed, of which part are they skeptical?

(see the answer key)

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