City of the Beasts Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

City of the Beasts Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kate give Alex to replace the losses from Morgana's theft?
(a) Money for the trip.
(b) His grandfather's flute.
(c) Sincere sympathy.
(d) Her old camera.

2. Who is conspiring with Mauro Carias to kill the Amazon natives?
(a) Ludovic Leblanc.
(b) Cesar Santos.
(c) Captain Ariosto.
(d) Joel Gonzalez.

3. How does one judge the size of a reptile?
(a) By the number of scales.
(b) By the size of its fangs.
(c) By the number of coils.
(d) By the distance between the eyes.

4. What quality does Alex believe Kate has too much of?
(a) Calmness.
(b) Courage.
(c) Trust.
(d) Daring.

5. What opportunity does Kate advise Alex to never miss?
(a) An opportunity to keep his mouth shut.
(b) An opportunity to learn.
(c) An opportunity to express himself.
(d) An opportunity to offer his opinion.

6. What are the visible activities in Santa Maria de la Lluvia?
(a) Cooking and waiting.
(b) Smuggling exotic birds and diamond hunting.
(c) Waiting and smuggling exotic birds.
(d) Diamond hunting and waiting.

7. What kind of problems does Kate believe there are?
(a) Those that you should ignore and those that require attention.
(b) Those that you can solve and those you can't.
(c) Those that are important and those that aren't.
(d) Those that have no solution and those that solve themselves.

8. Which of Kate's habits are bad for her health?
(a) Smoking a pipe and forgetting to eat.
(b) Drinking vodka and smoking a pipe.
(c) Refusing to exercise and forgetting to eat.
(d) Drinking vodka and refusing to exercise.

9. What has made Alex brave enough to swim in the Amazon without fear?
(a) His experience being lost in New York.
(b) His experience with the snake.
(c) His experience with the river dolphin.
(d) His experience with Morgana.

10. What does the book Kate gives Alex contain?
(a) Topographical maps of the Amazon basin.
(b) Health tips for adventurous travelers.
(c) Information about native peoples.
(d) Pictures of Amazon flora and fauna.

11. What most surprises Alex that people can do without?
(a) Telephones.
(b) Televisions.
(c) Malls.
(d) Music players.

12. What are the natives who live along the Amazon called?
(a) Negritos.
(b) Caboclos.
(c) Indios.
(d) Amazonians.

13. How long does Ludovic Leblanc estimate it will take to trap the beast?
(a) Three days.
(b) Three months.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) Three years.

14. Who does Omayra Torres represent?
(a) A cabal of diamond dealers.
(b) The National Health Service.
(c) The Venezuelan Secret Service.
(d) International Geographic.

15. What is Professor LeBlanc's opinion about humanoid beasts?
(a) They are terrifying.
(b) They do not exist.
(c) They are nothing to fear.
(d) They are smarter than humans.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kate help Alex prepare for their expedition to the Amazon?

2. How does Kate teach Alex not to smoke?

3. What negative quality does Kate see in Alex?

4. What do the Amazon natives regard as worse than death?

5. What bothers the travelers most while in the boat?

(see the answer keys)

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