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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does the patrón want according to the mayordomo?
(a) A new breeding stallion.
(b) A boy to run household errands.
(c) A nice pony for his son.
(d) Twenty percent greater productivity.
2. Why do Juan, Carlos and the others laugh at what the Vaquero says about the mayordomo?
(a) Because the mayordomo gets florrid when someone says something he does not like.
(b) Because the mayordomo is so arrogant.
(c) Because of how angry the mayordomo is.
(d) Because the mayordomo is always trying to take from the gauchos.
3. What does the Vaquero report about Chúcaro?
(a) Chúcaro has escaped.
(b) The mayordomo has taken Chúcaro.
(c) The patrón wants Chúcaro put down because the horse is dangerous.
(d) The mayordomo has seen the horse.
4. What does Pedro do when he sees Armando pull something out of a bag?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Runs towards Chúcaro.
(c) Screams at Chúcaro to run.
(d) Knocks down Armando.
5. Who is asleep outside the mayordomo's office in Chapter 12?
(a) Pedro.
(b) Juan.
(c) The Vaquero.
(d) Carlos
6. What destroys much of Señor Muñez's family fortune?
(a) Gambling.
(b) Locusts.
(c) Bad investments.
(d) Taxes.
7. What happens when Armando prepares to throw a second lasso?
(a) He gets a sudden headache.
(b) He throws up from eating so much.
(c) Chúcaro jumps the fence.
(d) It starts to rain.
8. What does Pedro's father seem to be?
(a) A heavy drinker.
(b) A dreamer.
(c) A jolly man.
(d) A good for nothing.
9. What does Muñez do when Juan says Armando is lying?
(a) Tells Armando to apologize.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Slaps Armando.
(d) Fires Juan.
10. What is Juan making?
(a) A bola.
(b) A halter.
(c) A weapon similar to a boomerang.
(d) A slingshot.
11. What is Juan making for Pedro?
(a) A bow and arrow.
(b) A flint and striker.
(c) A bola small enough for him to handle.
(d) A straw sun hat.
12. What does the mayordomo say in a telegraph to Señor Muñez?
(a) About Chúcaro.
(b) About a severe drought.
(c) About a new fire raging west of the ranch.
(d) About the bumper crop this year.
13. What does Señor Muñez not realize about Armando?
(a) He is devious.
(b) He is terribly spoiled.
(c) He is soft hearted.
(d) He is cruel.
14. What does Armando claim about the ranch?
(a) That the law says Armando has the right to kill Chúcaro.
(b) That he and his father already own everything there.
(c) Nothing.
(d) That some day the ranch will be his and Juan had best be careful.
15. What does Armando complain about to his father?
(a) That Juan refuses to give him Chúcaro.
(b) That Pedro does not try to lasso Chúcaro.
(c) That he did not get another chance to lasso Chúcaro.
(d) That Juan called him a bad name.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why are Juan, Carlos and the others sad for Pedro?
2. To whom does Armando's mother leave most of his upbringing?
3. What does Muñez say about Chúcaro?
4. What message is delivered to the mayordomo?
5. What happens when Armando throws the first lasso?
This section contains 614 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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