China Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Uncle Bun accuse Father of doing?
(a) wasting money
(b) poisoning his food
(c) stealing his money
(d) working too hard

2. What amount of pay is given to the Chinese workers in Hawaii for working in the cane fields?
(a) Four dollars a week
(b) One dollar a week
(c) Four dollars and thirty cents
(d) Four dollars a month

3. How is brother, returning from Vietnam, greeted when he walks from the bus station to his parents' home in Stockton?
(a) There is a huge surprise party held in his honor.
(b) His mother forces him to eat so he will gain some weight.
(c) No one is home.
(d) A party is just ending.

4. What food product is Uncle Bun obsessed with when the reader first meets him?
(a) coconuts
(b) wheat germ
(c) milk
(d) eggs

5. What do Kingston's parents call the Chinese American traditionalists in California?
(a) sky chickens
(b) wheat germ
(c) superstitious, backward peasants
(d) demon workers

Short Answer Questions

1. Which statement best describes Kingston's attitude toward the Communists?

2. What symbolizes to the Filipino king that the mandarin is of a higher social class than other Chinese already living there?

3. For whom do the Juneau citizens hold the largest funeral Alaska ever sees?

4. How does Kingston's Father avoid the draft?

5. When the fish-and-game wardens and sheriff deputies use dogs to search for the Wild Man, why is their search so short?

Short Essay Questions

1. Summarize Kingston's childhood account of seeing a "Wild Man" every day when she and her sister walked to school.

2. What is the significance of Kingston's modern Auntie's marriage to I Fu?

3. What is the significance of the last line in "The Hundred-Year-Old Man"?

4. What evidence in "The Wild Man of the Green Swamp" is there that shows the Wild Man's ingenuity?

5. How does the Wild Man end up in a Tampa Hospital for the insane? Tell what happens once he is there.

6. What happens to Father after the Gambling House is closed permanently? How does Father recover?

7. Compare the Alaskan Driving Out with the California Driving Out of China Men.

8. Retell the Filipino scholar's story about the Chinese first coming to the Philippines in search of gold. Be sure to include only the information that the scholar provides. Don't be distracted by the party-goers' interruptions.

9. Describe the relationship between Lo Bun Sun and Sing Kay Ng.

10. Why does the author suggest that instead of the Driving Out in Alaska taking place twice that it could be the same story but with the dates mixed up?

(see the answer keys)

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