China Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which best describes the genre of these two chapters: "The Ghostmate" and "The Father From America"?
(a) realistic fiction and autobiography
(b) folktale and nonfiction
(c) autobiography and biography
(d) fantasy tale and biography

2. How does the wife that great grandfather Bak Sook Goong takes back to China affect Kingston's heritage?
(a) The new wife refuses to blend with Bak Sook Goong's other wives, causing the first divorce in her family.
(b) The new wife has no affect on Kingston's heritage.
(c) The new wife's children start the line of Hawaiian-Chinese family members.
(d) The new wife insists on returning to Hawaii with the rest of the family, removing them from China for good.

3. What is the simile "like a knot of ginger root" referring to?
(a) Tang's broken and stacked toes
(b) the shape of Tang's ears
(c) Tang's arthritic hands
(d) the veins in Tang's broken feet

4. What do the women do to help stir the cool female winds inside Tang's body?
(a) make Tang sit in the rain and wind
(b) giveTang tea with white chrysanthemums
(c) unwrap the bindings from Tang's feet
(d) make Tang wash the bandages used to bind his feet

5. How does the stranger respond to the children's mistake?
(a) He swats the children away from him as if they were flies.
(b) He is speechless and ignores them altogether.
(c) He gets angry and yells at Mother.
(d) He laughs and tells them they made a mistake.

6. Why does Kingston think that Stockton is a special place to live?
(a) Stockton, CA, is the only city with three intersecting railroads.
(b) Kingston could ride the trains anytime she wanted.
(c) Flocks of hoboes were always around the tracks, keeping the city entertaining.
(d) Kingston's grandfathers worked on the tracks in Stockton where Kingston and her family live.

7. How does great grandfather Bak Goong break the rules of silence while working in Sandalwood Mountain?
(a) Bak Goong sends written notes to other workers.
(b) Bak Goong coughs out Chinese words the masters cannot understand.
(c) Bak Goong talks quietly to himself.
(d) Bak Goong deliberately sings in front of the masters.

8. Where does Hina of the night sleep?
(a) deep in the ocean
(b) high in the treetops
(c) in the forest
(d) on a far away island

9. What is the last thing the women do to prepare Tang to meet the queen?
(a) feed Tang chicken wings to make his hair shine
(b) force Tang to wash his used bandages
(c) powder Tang's face and put makeup on him
(d) pierce Tang's ears

10. Where do Ed and MaMa go after Ed is ousted from the laundry business?
(a) to the movies
(b) to California
(c) to Alaska
(d) to Long Island

11. Which character from Kingston's folktales in China Men suffers the most?
(a) The young man
(b) Bak Goong the great grandfather
(c) Tu Tzu-chun
(d) Maui the trickster in

12. What purpose does the mother character serve by entering the story at this point?
(a) She becomes the focus of the children so that they stop focusing on the stranger.
(b) She moves the plot along and explains how the children could make such a mistake.
(c) She introduces a conflict that the children have to solve.
(d) She provides an adult female presence to balance the male presence of the stranger.

13. What does Ah Po show BaBa's brothers to explain that he is different from them?
(a) BaBa was the largest boy born so far in the family.
(b) BaBa's hair was a different color than theirs.
(c) BaBa's head was shaped differently than theirs.
(d) BaBa's skinny, frail body had hands made for holding pens.

14. To what does this simile refer: "Sap ran from its cuts like crying blind eyes"?
(a) bamboo that had to be cut before the rail could be laid
(b) a blind child that cried all the time
(c) cuts on Ah Goong's arms after working in the forest
(d) a huge redwood tree that Ah Goong helped cut down

15. What is inside of Hina that holds immortality for humanity?
(a) heart
(b) baby
(c) liver
(d) eyes

Short Answer Questions

1. What indicates to the young man in "The Ghostmate" that the woman is "old style"?

2. What does the monk say Tu Tzu-chun has to do to repay him the third time?

3. What part of Tang Ao's wardrobe is shaped like a bridge?

4. Which of the following is an example of a simile used in "The Ghostmate"?

5. What were the Chinese wives most likely afraid of when their husbands left for Gold Mountain?

(see the answer keys)

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