A Chaste Maid in Cheapside Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Chaste Maid in Cheapside Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Allwit congratulated on during the town party?
(a) His good news.
(b) His good looks.
(c) His good humor.
(d) His good fortune.

2. What are Moll's last words to Touchwood Junior before she is taken away?
(a) That she will always love him.
(b) That she will see him again soon.
(c) That she never loved him.
(d) That nothing can keep the two of them apart.

3. What role do the group of townsfolk invited to the party play in the ceremony?
(a) Acting as servants.
(b) Acting as witnesses.
(c) Acting as entertainment.
(d) Actings as assistants.

4. What type of party is Allwit getting dressed for after the scene with the Promoters?
(a) A christening.
(b) A baptism.
(c) A wedding.
(d) A wake.

5. Who is attempting to help Allwit get dressed for the town party?
(a) Yellowhammer.
(b) Touchwood Junior.
(c) Davy Dahana.
(d) Sir Walter.

6. What is hiding under the leg of mutton that the wench presents to the Promoters?
(a) A key.
(b) A baby.
(c) A sack of coins.
(d) A gun.

7. What does Allwit thank Moll for doing at the party?
(a) Becoming the godmother to his daughter.
(b) Ensuring that Touchwood Junior joined the party.
(c) Agreeing to stay after the party and help clean up.
(d) Marrying Sir Walter.

8. How does Allwit respond to the news of Sir Walter's return?
(a) He is furious.
(b) He is happy.
(c) He is terrified.
(d) He is jealous.

9. What is the name of Moll's brother?
(a) Brian.
(b) Eric.
(c) Tim.
(d) Michael.

10. What religious celebration is happening while the Promoters are working?
(a) Passover.
(b) Lent.
(c) Easter.
(d) Ramadan.

11. In what building is the town party set to take place?
(a) A school.
(b) An opera house.
(c) A government building.
(d) A church.

12. Why does Allwit turn a blind eye to the affair between his wife and Sir Walter?
(a) Because Sir Walter would have him arrested for defamation.
(b) Because Sir Walter has threatened to kill him.
(c) Because Allwit does not love his wife.
(d) Because Sir Walter pays all of his family's bills.

13. Who is the post-christening party meant to honor?
(a) Sir Allwit.
(b) The new baby.
(c) Mistress Allwit.
(d) Sir Walter.

14. Where do Moll and Touchwood Junior secretly meet?
(a) In a school.
(b) In the woods.
(c) In a church.
(d) In a theater.

15. What does Yellowhammer do for a living?
(a) He is a tanner.
(b) He is a baker.
(c) He is a butcher.
(d) He is a blacksmith.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the argument over social standing occur?

2. How does the one who is suggested to enter the town party first respond?

3. Who arrives with Moll to the town party?

4. What food item has Mistress Allwit been craving since her pregnancy?

5. What does Sir Walter swear he will never call Touchwood Junior?

(see the answer keys)

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