Chanel and Her World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edmonde Charles-Roux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chanel and Her World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edmonde Charles-Roux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year did plagues begin to sweep through provincial villages?
(a) 1850.
(b) 1890.
(c) 1870.
(d) 1910.

2. In what year was Chanel born?
(a) 1903.
(b) 1883.
(c) 1894.
(d) 1864.

3. For what was Etienne Balsan famous?
(a) His mistresses.
(b) His altruism.
(c) His abuse of alcohol.
(d) His bad investments.

4. What effect did the plagues have on provincial villages?
(a) Village populations began to grow.
(b) The plagues had no lasting effect on provincial villages.
(c) Village communities became distrustful of outsiders.
(d) Villages began to collapse.

5. What does biographer Edmonde Charles-Roux say Chanel tried to conceal her entire life?
(a) Her real name.
(b) The circumstances of her birth.
(c) Her religious beliefs.
(d) Her shoe size.

6. What hobby did Chanel adopt after meeting Balsan?
(a) Horseback riding.
(b) Sewing.
(c) Photography.
(d) Dog breeding.

7. Which of the following events was not described as happening when Chanel was born?
(a) Quadrilles.
(b) Parades.
(c) Presentations of troops.
(d) Riding instructions.

8. In which region of her home country was Chanel born?
(a) Limousin.
(b) The Cevennes.
(c) Auvergne.
(d) Bergundy.

9. Who was "Boy" Capel to Chanel?
(a) A distant relation.
(b) A rival.
(c) Her trusted business partner.
(d) The only man Chanel would ever love.

10. At what age did Chanel meet Etienne Balsan?
(a) Twenty-two.
(b) Twenty-seven.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Twenty-five.

11. What did Chanel's great-grandfather turn his rented property into?
(a) A bistro.
(b) A butcher's shop.
(c) A bakery.
(d) A weavery.

12. What was the style of the era when Chanel was born?
(a) Military-inspired.
(b) Ecclesiastic-inspired.
(c) Naval-inspired.
(d) Equestrian-inspired.

13. How did Chanel feel about the place where she stayed after leaving the orphanage?
(a) Chanel felt unwelcome.
(b) Chanel felt as if she was making a difference.
(c) Chanel felt at home.
(d) Chanel felt the need to escape.

14. What occupation was Chanel's father?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A farmer.
(c) A tailor.
(d) A traveling peddler.

15. In terms of fashion, what was evolving quickly when Chanel was born?
(a) Men's fashion.
(b) The use of modern fabrics.
(c) Lengths of skirts.
(d) Women's fashions.

Short Answer Questions

1. After leaving the orphanage, where did Chanel go to live?

2. In the foreword, what is Chanel described as being "to the core"?

3. What was "Boy" Capel's first name?

4. What was Chanel's sudden return to Paris fashion described as?

5. How soon after opening Chanel's shop does WWI begin?

(see the answer keys)

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