Ceremony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ceremony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Harley say he traded for the truck he is driving?
(a) The land that was stolen from the Indians
(b) His army medals and fifty dollars
(c) Nothing, he does not mention a trade
(d) His grandfather’s ceremonial dress

2. With what were the walls of the Ts’eh’s cabin plastered?
(a) Joint compound
(b) Gray mud
(c) Red Clay
(d) Black porcelain mud

3. How does Ts’eh have Tayo’s cattle corralled?
(a) She enticed them with hay
(b) They ran into a arroyo with a dead end
(c) She sung them calm then put them in her corral
(d) Her cattle dog herded them

4. What does the army recruiter tell Tayo and Rocky about joining the military?
(a) He does not mention anything about them being Indians
(b) He tells them it will bring money to the reservation
(c) He says there is a special Indian unit
(d) He tells them anyone can fight for America when there is a war

5. What happens to Harley when he left the sheep he was watching and left his horse tied by the road?
(a) He was mugged and wounded badly
(b) He met a white woman who took him to Las Vegas
(c) He ended up in the jail at Los Lunas
(d) He was recruited by a cattle rancher to work branding week

6. When Tayo and the medicine man leave his home, what is the medicine man riding?
(a) An old pinto horse
(b) A palomino
(c) A burro
(d) A mule

7. Under what kind of trees at the Y bar does Leroy park?
(a) Aspen
(b) Elm
(c) Oak
(d) Maple

8. What does Tayo do when he goes into the corn field one night?
(a) Lays down to watch the corn above him
(b) Draws a crop circle
(c) Strips the corn from the plants
(d) Smashes the melons growing there

9. What does Floyd Lee call his miles of barbed wire fencing?
(a) Home moat
(b) Wolf-proof fence
(c) Indian bait
(d) Cattle prod

10. Where does Helen Jean live before she moves to Gallup?
(a) Okwahee
(b) Tako
(c) Mexico
(d) Towac

11. What do Tayo, Leroy and Emo earn in the war?
(a) Purple hearts
(b) Commendation medals
(c) Silver stars
(d) General discharges

12. Why are some of the cattles’ necks scraped?
(a) Their necks are not messed up
(b) They kept trying to get past the barbed wire
(c) The white people use them for Texas roping
(d) They ran into the walls of the arroyo

13. What does the medicine man tell Tayo to do after they walk Tayo through the Ceremony?
(a) Go to sleep
(b) Go home
(c) Eat
(d) Walk it once on his own

14. What does Harley have in his hand when the friends stop to pick up Tayo who is walking on the side of the road?
(a) A gun
(b) Two cold beers
(c) A camera
(d) Two bottles of Garden Deluxe Tokay

15. How does Harley get to a bar once when he had been sent to the far reaches of the reservation?
(a) Hitchhiked
(b) Road a cow
(c) Hotwired a tractor and took it
(d) Rode a unicycle he found in the dump

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the willows in the arroyo?

2. What has Rocky promised to buy Old Grandma with his army pay?

3. Where is Thought-Woman sitting in the opening poem?

4. How do the living animals feel about witches?

5. In which direction do the cows always run?

(see the answer keys)

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