Ceremony Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ceremony Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Robert and Tayo take to Pinkie out at the sheep camp?
(a) Pinkie’s girl friend
(b) Soda pop and comic books
(c) Rented movies
(d) Wool blankets

2. Who bought the Ford coupe that Tayo’s friends pick him up in to go to the bar?
(a) Tayo
(b) Leroy
(c) Emo
(d) Harley

3. What happens to the willows in the arroyo?
(a) They are burned up when a streak of lightning hits them
(b) Nothing
(c) Drunk men chopped them down
(d) A flash flood up roots them

4. What was the woman Josiah visits called when she was a dancer?
(a) Lady Wind
(b) Black Swan
(c) Black Beauty
(d) Spin Legs

5. Where does Josiah have the cattle unloaded?
(a) At the river
(b) Out in the foothills
(c) Near the forest
(d) Near the windmill

6. What kind of fur vest is the hunter who Tayo meets walking wear?
(a) Beaver
(b) Deer
(c) Mountain lion
(d) Rabbit

7. Where does Ulibarri live?
(a) San Angelo
(b) El Paso
(c) Las Cruce
(d) Magdalena

8. What does Tayo do with the heart and liver of the deer?
(a) They eat it raw right out of the body
(b) He puts them into a cooler
(c) He leaves them for the wolves
(d) He wraps them in cheesecloth

9. What is painted on the war shield that is at Tayo’s house when he returns from finding the cattle?
(a) A Navajo war chief
(b) A night sky with stars
(c) A horse
(d) A cave with a spring in it

10. What kind of hat does Descheeny wear?
(a) Baseball cap
(b) Badger fur hat
(c) Coon skin hat
(d) Leather cowboy hat

11. What does the medicine man tell Tayo about who the medicine man’s grandmother was?
(a) He did not know his grandmother
(b) She was a Mexican with green eyes
(c) She was a Navajo
(d) She was white

12. What did all the Navajos do in the white school when the teacher brought out a tub of dead frogs to dissect?
(a) Stood up and turned their backs to the tub
(b) Tipped the tub over
(c) Stood up and left the room
(d) Start singing a chant

13. What does Emo call Tayo because Emo thinks Tayo believes he is better than the rest of them?
(a) Stuck-up
(b) Uncle Tom
(c) Half-breed
(d) Snob

14. Why does the Helen Jean leave the bar?
(a) She is interested in a Mexican man there
(b) She does not like the atmosphere
(c) She has to go meet her sister
(d) Her brother came to get her

15. What does Tayo do when he goes into the corn field one night?
(a) Lays down to watch the corn above him
(b) Smashes the melons growing there
(c) Draws a crop circle
(d) Strips the corn from the plants

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the medicine man say about living so close to Gallup?

2. What are the two names that all of creation is said to have in modern times?

3. What do the old singers send to Descheeny?

4. What is the north side of Gallup called?

5. How does Harley get to a bar once when he had been sent to the far reaches of the reservation?

(see the answer keys)

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