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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why does Frank refuse a job in his friend Armand's vineyards?
(a) He thinks the work is boring.
(b) He fears the job exposes him to the authorities.
(c) He does not enjoy physical labor.
(d) He does not need the money.
2. What feature of a Boston airport gives Frank an idea for another con?
(a) The all-night check-in counter.
(b) The computer at the gate.
(c) The after-hours depository for a bank.
(d) The security officers inside the airport.
3. Why doesn't Frank call his parents when he returns to New York?
(a) He is still angry about the divorce.
(b) He fears that they turn him in.
(c) He is too ashamed to face them.
(d) He does not want to have to lie to them.
4. How does Frank get a flight crew to travel with him?
(a) He finds a flight crew that is traveling his direction and asks to travel with them.
(b) He recruits a group of stewardess interns from the University of Arizona.
(c) He takes a group of women into his confidence and explains the scheme.
(d) He asks Pan Am to supply him with a flight crew.
5. How does Frank give himself a head start before a bank can figure out that he is using phony checks?
(a) He cashes checks late in the day so they are not processed right away.
(b) He uses checks in which the bank indicatese routing number is not the bank listed on the check. by th
(c) He cashes checks under a different name than the one he is traveling under.
(d) He uses checks issued by a bank in another city.
6. What bonus does Frank get from a Pan Am stewardess on vacation in Mexico?
(a) He cashes a check for her and keeps her paycheck to use as a template.
(b) He gets more information about the way Pan Am works.
(c) He gets a copy of her passport and starts printing his own passports.
(d) He finds out more about what Pan Am pilot's uniforms should look like.
7. How does Frank manage to buy an I-Tek camera and printing press?
(a) He claims that he plans to open a newspaper.
(b) He claims that he is a commercial artist.
(c) He claims that he is opening his own print shop.
(d) He claims that he is working for a publisher.
8. Where is Frank apprehended by the French police?
(a) As he is getting into his car.
(b) At his grandparents' house.
(c) In a grocery store.
(d) In Armand's vineyards.
9. How does Frank survive Perpignan?
(a) He goes temporarily insane.
(b) He imagines that he is somewhere else.
(c) He talks to other prisoners.
(d) He embarks on an exercise program.
10. Why does Frank leave Rosalie?
(a) She tells the police about him.
(b) She is not willing to move with him.
(c) She is not serious about him.
(d) She asks him to leave.
11. How do the French police locate Frank?
(a) They follow a paper trail of forged checks.
(b) The FBI tell them where to find Frank.
(c) Frank's grandparents turn him in for his own good.
(d) They receive a tip from an Air France flight attendant.
12. Why does Monique break up with Frank?
(a) She figures out that he is a con man.
(b) She is jealous of Frank's summer interns.
(c) She does not like Frank very well.
(d) She wants to get married and settle down.
13. What is Frank's sentence at Perpignan Prison?
(a) Six months.
(b) Ten years.
(c) Five years.
(d) One year.
14. Who is the first individual Frank admits to conning out of money?
(a) A bail bondsman.
(b) A college student intern.
(c) A Pan Am stewardess.
(d) A Miami prostitute.
15. How does Frank describe Rosalie?
(a) Easy to manipulate.
(b) Desperate for attention.
(c) Loyal and honest.
(d) Dishonest and unfaithful.
Short Answer Questions
1. What are prisoners at Perpignan expected to use as a toilet?
2. Why is Frank almost caught because of one of his corporate expense checks?
3. Why does Frank go to Vermont?
4. What are living conditions like at Perpignan?
5. How does Frank escape from the plane that is bringing him back to the United States?
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