Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. Describe Frank's appearance.

Frank is six feet tall and weighs 170 pounds. He is only 16 years old in this chapter, but he looks like an adult compared to his juvenile friends.

2. How does Frank's father feel about Frank?

Frank's father trusts him, even though he should not. He is impressed when Frank chooses to get a part-time job working in a warehouse. He decides to let Frank have a credit card that he pays off himself using his earnings from the warehouse.

3. Why does Frank need money in order to pursue his interest in girls?

Frank wants to go on dates that require money. He wants to take girls out to dinner at nice restaurants. He wants to go to movies. He needs money to do all these things.

4. How does Frank's credit card scheme work?

He buys items with his credit card, but does not take the items. Instead, the company keeps the item that Frank buys and gives him a lesser amount of cash instead. To Frank, it feels as though he is making money out of nothing, but actually, he is defrauding his father.

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