Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do irrational entities benefit from the United Nations, according to the author?
(a) By being dominant of rational entities.
(b) By being influenced by rational entities.
(c) By being associated with rational entities.
(d) By being subservant to rational entities.

2. The author believes that society today is headed toward what?
(a) Dictatorship.
(b) Totalitarianism.
(c) Fascism.
(d) Guild socialism.

3. Which president does the author compare to a French minister?
(a) President Johnson.
(b) President Franklin.
(c) President Kennedy.
(d) President Monroe.

4. What does the author blame for warping students' hopes and viewpoints?
(a) The professors.
(b) Modern sociology.
(c) Modern philosophy.
(d) Lack of moral grounding.

5. In response to the claim that the superiority of communism is scientifically proven, the American answer is that the U.S. system is based on what?
(a) Faith in God.
(b) The rise of the individual.
(c) Belief in mankind.
(d) Faith in society.

Short Answer Questions

1. McCarthyism is named for a senator from where?

2. In what type of system is property privately owned but controlled by the government?

3. What is one of the arguments against a volunteer army?

4. From what point of view is the encyclical written?

5. Lobbyists are required to register with whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. When talking about political views in today's world, what is the question to ask?

2. What does the pope's encyclical say motivates capitalism?

3. How does Fromm characterize man's alienation?

4. What does the pope's encyclical say about work?

5. When do countries not engage in wars?

6. What do the French businessmen say is the best thing the king could do for them?

7. Who comes and helps the students protest in Berkeley in 1964?

8. What does taxation do to the marketplace?

9. What brings about an intellectual movement's collapse?

10. When does the author say that an irrational side will win an argument?

(see the answer keys)

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