Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What is Capitalism?

1. Who is the author of this book?
(a) Alena Rand.
(b) Annabelle Rand.
(c) Ayn Rand.
(d) Anna Rand.

2. What does political economy study?
(a) How capital resources are used.
(b) How economic resources are used.
(c) How all resources are used.
(d) How scarce resources are used.

3. How is man viewed in tribal European culture?
(a) As subjected to the will of the whole.
(b) As independent of the whole.
(c) As free of the whole.
(d) As part of the whole.

4. What is the name that the nobility, and the king, use to describe people who are considered property?
(a) Chargrin.
(b) Chartered.
(c) Cattle.
(d) Chattel.

5. How, according to the author, does the concept of private property come into existence?
(a) With capitalism.
(b) During feudalism.
(c) Through the Cultural Revolution.
(d) From Karl Marx.

6. What do political economists assume that man is working for?
(a) The good of his family.
(b) The betterment of himelf.
(c) The betterment of his situation.
(d) The good of society.

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