Canyons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Canyons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what time in the morning does Brennan finally find the report about Coyote Runs?
(a) About three in the morning.
(b) About two in the morning.
(c) About one in the morning.
(d) About four in the morning.

2. What does Brennan do with his t-shirt when he takes it off while running?
(a) Wraps it around his forehead.
(b) Suffs it in his pocket.
(c) Ties it to his belt.
(d) Ties it to his arm.

3. What does Brennan think about the commanding officer's reply to Mrs. Gebhart?
(a) He helps Indians.
(b) He is a decent man.
(c) He is lying.
(d) He is involed with Mrs. Gephart.

4. What does Mr. Homesley call the mixture he and Tibbets used in Vietnam?
(a) Black gold.
(b) A Murphy drip.
(c) A speedy cocktail.
(d) Viet Nam taiti.

5. What kind of officials are standing with Brennan's mother?
(a) Two highway patroll officers.
(b) A city policeman.
(c) Two sheriffs.
(d) A National Forest Ranger.

6. What saying keeps running through Brennan's head?
(a) Mercy, please.
(b) Take me home.
(c) Take me, spirit.
(d) I am a man.

7. In what does Brennan carry the skull to Dr. Tibbets?
(a) His backpack.
(b) A tennis shoe box.
(c) His mother's hat box.
(d) It was wrapped in a towel.

8. What does Brennan assume about the skull that Mr. Homesley says is not necessarily true?
(a) That he didn't break the law.
(b) That the skull is a white soldier.
(c) That the skull is from a young child.
(d) That the skull belongs to an Indian.

9. What does Mr. Homesley tell Brennan about beetles?
(a) They are bad for the ecology of the Earth.
(b) They are the most numerous species on Earth.
(c) They eat almost anything.
(d) They are often killed with pesticides.

10. What does Homesley give Brennan when Brennan is going through the boxes?
(a) A bowl of ice cream.
(b) Toast and eggs.
(c) Some chips and dip.
(d) Chocolate chip cookies and milk.

11. What does Mr. Homesley say about Brennan going into the canyon alone?
(a) He'll be fine.
(b) Someone should go with him.
(c) He might get hurt.
(d) He is being guided by a dead Indian.

12. Why do the newspapers in the boxes look old to Brennan?
(a) They had small insect holes in them.
(b) The newspapers were yellow.
(c) The newspapers crumbled.
(d) The print was uneven and the headlines were from past events.

13. Why do ranchers take their families to El Paso?
(a) They fear the Indians.
(b) For the weekly dances.
(c) To sell to the soldiers.
(d) So the kids could attend school.

14. What is the size of the bullet hole in the forehead of the skull?
(a) About the size of a green pea.
(b) About the size of his thumbprint.
(c) About the size of his palm.
(d) About half the size of his palm.

15. What do the soldiers report occurred before Coyote Runs was killed?
(a) Coyote Runs killed a soldier.
(b) Coyote Runs was holding rifle.
(c) An exchange of gunfire.
(d) A rattler bit Coyote Runs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What subject does Mr. Homesley teach?

2. What does Brennan use for cover when he approaches the canyon?

3. Where does Brennan leave Coyote Runs' skull?

4. In what direction does Brennan go when he leaves his home?

5. What does Brennan do when the men jump at him?

(see the answer keys)

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