Canyons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Canyons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Coyote Runs call his mother when she lights the cook fire?
(a) Mother of fire.
(b) She Who Weaves Flame.
(c) Mother of Magic.
(d) Power mother.

2. What did Brennan think was the reason the kids were so bad?
(a) They lived on the streets.
(b) Bill was too nice.
(c) They were just young.
(d) They came from broken homes.

3. What does the event in question #1 mark for Coyote Runs?
(a) The ritual killing of his first deer.
(b) First step into manhood.
(c) Finding out his inner name.
(d) Joining his father's family.

4. What does Brennan do when he can't sleep?
(a) Plays a game on his cell phone.
(b) Digs in the dirt.
(c) Reads with his flashlight.
(d) Takes a walk.

5. What kind of saddle does Magpie own?
(a) An old U.S. calvery saddle.
(b) He doesn't own a saddle.
(c) A Mexican saddle with silver on it.
(d) A saddle made from Texan steer.

6. Why does Brennan work?
(a) To build up his muscles.
(b) So he can buy a car.
(c) To help pay for his clothes and other things.
(d) To save money for college.

7. Where does Coyote Runs' tribe occasionally get beef?
(a) Carnigan's Ranch.
(b) The army's herd.
(c) Fort McGrady.
(d) The local mission.

8. Why is Brennan annoyed about being in the van?
(a) The kids annoy him.
(b) His mother acts like Bill is perfect.
(c) He is in the far back seat.
(d) It is too hot.

9. With whom are Brennan and his mother doing the event in question #20?
(a) Victor Neuenberg.
(b) Paul Trouson.
(c) Alan Warner.
(d) Bill Halverson.

10. What does Coyote Runs almost do after the raid?
(a) Drive the horses in the wrong direction.
(b) Run a horse into a prairie dog hole.
(c) Shoot one of the warriors.
(d) Lose the lead rope he is holding.

11. With whom does Coyote Runs catch up?
(a) Sancta.
(b) The Ranchers.
(c) The soldiers.
(d) Magpie.

12. Where does Coyote Runs try to hide from the soldiers?
(a) In the river.
(b) In a cave.
(c) Behind a rock in the back of the canyon.
(d) Under some sage brush.

13. Why did Coyote Runs go to the stream when he woke in the morning?
(a) To rinse his mouth and drink.
(b) To take a bath.
(c) To get water for his mother.
(d) To catch some fish.

14. What makes Coyote Runs slow as he goes into the canyon?
(a) His injury.
(b) There are large boulders he has to climb.
(c) It is flooded.
(d) There is no path.

15. What does Brennan notice in Chapter 2 as he approaches the house?
(a) There is someone there Brennan doesn't know.
(b) There is furniture in the yard.
(c) The house color has changed.
(d) The house is dark.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Coyote Runs think he must be on his quest to be a man?

2. What does Coyote Runs learn he will be joining?

3. What does Brennan like to talk about while working?

4. What did the bottom of the canyon look like to Brennan?

5. How did Brennan think of the kids in the van?

(see the answer keys)

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