Brighton Beach Memoirs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brighton Beach Memoirs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What batter “lopes up to the plate” after the first walks in Eugene’s imaginary baseball game in the opening of Act I?
(a) Ruffing
(b) Dickey
(c) JoJo Moore
(d) Mel Ott

2. In what area of the stage is the entrance to the Jerome house in the stage directions for Act I?
(a) Stage Left
(b) Downstage
(c) Upstage
(d) Stage Right

3. What is the name of the Broadway musical Nora says she’s going to be cast in, in Act I?
(a) Les Miserables
(b) Hello Dolly!
(c) Abracadabra
(d) Cats

4. What batter walks in Eugene’s imaginary baseball game in the opening of Act I?
(a) JoJo Moore
(b) Dickey
(c) Mel Ott
(d) Ruffing

5. At what theater does Nora say she has to go to in order to audition for the Broadway musical in Act I?
(a) The Hudson Theater
(b) The Lucille Lortel Theater
(c) The Avery Theater
(d) The Guthrie Theater

Short Answer Questions

1. Kate describes the Murphy family across the street as belonging to what group in Act I?

2. What is Eugene’s full name in Brighton Beach Memoirs?

3. Who tells Nora that she can’t sing or carry a tune in Act I?

4. What actress played the role of Blanche in the original cast of Brighton Beach Memoirs?

5. Eugene claims that his grandfather died from what in Act I?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the central conflict for Nora Morton in Act I of the play?

2. What is Eugene doing as the play opens in Act I? How is his neighborhood described?

3. How is the Jerome house described in the stage directions for Act I? What comprises the first floor of the house?

4. What news does Nora Morton relate to the family when she arrives home in Act I?

5. How is the theme of responsibility illustrated in Act I of Brighton Beach Memoirs?

6. Discuss the narrative style of Brighton Beach Memoirs. What purpose does the use of direct address serve in the play?

7. How does Blanche Morton respond to the news that Nora Morton relates to the family before dinner in Act I?

8. What comprises the second floor of the Jerome house, according to the stage directions in Act I? How is the setting related to the themes in the play?

9. What do Nora and Laurie discuss while Eugene goes to the store in Act I?

10. How does the historical context of the play relate to its themes?

(see the answer keys)

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