Brand Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brand Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the doctor compare Brand to when speaking to Brand about Alf.
(a) A prisioner.
(b) A snake.
(c) A shipwrecked man.
(d) A sheep.

2. After the doctor leaves, Brand enters his house. What does he find has happened to Alf?
(a) Alf has ran away.
(b) Alf has burned himself on the stove.
(c) Alf is very ill.
(d) Alf is dead.

3. Where does Brand decide to go at the end of Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) To the ice church.
(b) To the mountains.
(c) To the river.
(d) To the settlement.

4. In the beginning of Act Three, why is Brand anxiously looking out over the fjord?
(a) He is waiting for the ships to come in.
(b) He is waiting for news of his mother.
(c) He is waiting for his son to return from war.
(d) He is waiting for a doctor.

5. During Brand's conversation with the Mayor about his inheritance, what does Brand realize the Mayor is saying?
(a) The Mayor wants him to leave the settlement.
(b) The Mayor wants him to leave Agnes and marry his daughter.
(c) The Mayor wants him to convince his mother to give all of her money to the town.
(d) The Mayor wants to confiscate Brand's inheritance.

6. As Brand finishes his soliloquy, what falls on the ground next to him?
(a) A bird.
(b) A bible.
(c) A scarf.
(d) A rock.

7. For what reason is Brand's mother fearful?
(a) Because she will be imprisoned since he returned to the settlement.
(b) Because Agnes looks poor and she wishes more for her son.
(c) Because he could have died crossing the fjord and is the only family member she has left.
(d) Because she will starve since he forgot to pay for her food.

8. Why does the woman refuse to go with Brand across the fjord?
(a) Because she does not know him.
(b) There is no one to go home to.
(c) She is afraid of dying and her children need their mother.
(d) She is afraid that her husband will kill her.

9. In the opening act, who is with Brand?
(a) The schoolmaster and a clerk.
(b) A peasant and his son.
(c) His wife and a maid.
(d) No one- he is alone.

10. As the squall hits the fjord, what do the townsfolk threaten Brand with?
(a) Imprisonment.
(b) Guns and torches.
(c) Throwing him into the storm.
(d) Stones and knives.

11. When Brand sees the valley for the first time, what does Brand realize about the land he has just entered?
(a) He has never been here.
(b) It is what he has seen in his dreams.
(c) It is his childhood homeland.
(d) He was forbidden to ever return to this land.

12. What does the Man call Brand when Brand says the mayor has been telling the truth?
(a) A demon.
(b) A savior.
(c) A shameless scold.
(d) A dirty liar.

13. What does the Mayor warn Man Two not to do after discovering that his wife has died?
(a) Abandon his children.
(b) Leave town.
(c) Start any trouble.
(d) Marry again.

14. Upon Brand's mother's deathbed, what does she proclaim?
(a) "Not only will God forgive me, my son will as well!"
(b) "God's not hardhearted, like my son!"
(c) "My son will gain nothing from my death!"
(d) "I have given all that I am willing to give!"

15. After the discussion about the townsfolk, what does the Man say to Brand as he leaves?
(a) "You've got the call, see!"
(b) "I know you won't deceive us,"
(c) "My priest won't drop his God, and me."
(d) "That here was where you'd wage your war."

Short Answer Questions

1. While talking about Alf the Brand, what does the doctor claim that Brand is running from?

2. Who does Brand describe as "well-meaning, plump and debonair, both hands in pocket, quite sublimely like brackets in parenthesis?"

3. What does the doctor say Brand and Agnes must do to save Alf?

4. After Brand helps the Woman's husband, some men from the settlement arrive. What have they brought with them?

5. What is Gerd chasing when she meets Brand?

(see the answer keys)

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