Bleak House Test | Final Test - Medium

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Bleak House Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lady Dedlock's body is found by Esther and Mr. Bucket ___________.
(a) In Tom's All-alone.
(b) In the cemetery.
(c) In Snagsby's house.
(d) In Chancery Lane.

2. Tulkinghorn tells a story that reveals ___________.
(a) Lady Dedlock's secret.
(b) Mr. Guppy's whereabouts.
(c) The ruination of England.
(d) His own political views.

3. Mrs. Snagsby continues to insist that ___________.
(a) She knows the real murderer.
(b) She is the murderer.
(c) Mr. Snagsby is having an affair.
(d) She has been wronged by everyone.

4. Tulkinghorn, who vows to reveal Lady Dedlock's secret, is ___________.
(a) Secretly in love with her.
(b) Shot through the heart.
(c) Missing and nowhere to be found.
(d) Finished with the family.

5. It turns out that the deceased Mr. Krook is ___________.
(a) Mr. Tulkinghorn's brother.
(b) Mr. Guppy's father-in-law.
(c) Grandmother Smallweed's brother.
(d) Ms. Flite's best friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. The outcome of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce is ___________.

2. Richard's money continues to flow to ___________.

3. Esther's illness has resulted in ___________.

4. Life at Chesney Wold has become ___________.

5. Esther happily receives a proposal of marriage from ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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