Bird by Bird Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bird by Bird Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Anne, what two things can teach you to give of yourself?
(a) A three-year-old and characters.
(b) A credit card bill and a gas guzzling automobile.
(c) Characters and short assignments.
(d) Your work in progess and your three-year-old.

2. What does Anne consider a most depressing experience?
(a) Jealousy.
(b) Editors not liking your work.
(c) Having so much material you can not write fast enough.
(d) Writer's block.

3. Every writer needs discipline, but what is one way Anne suggests to give yourself a break and still be productive?
(a) Calling around.
(b) Eat a Kit-Kat bar.
(c) Meditate.
(d) Writing on index cards.

4. What does Anne state is the most degrading occupational hazard of being a writer?
(a) Jealousy.
(b) KFKD.
(c) Unruly characters.
(d) Paranoia.

5. Besides going to classes and conferences, what is another way to receive feedback from other writers?
(a) Solicit advice from people you meet at bookstores.
(b) Start a writing group.
(c) Send your work via email to every address you have.
(d) Mail other writers your drafts and hope they respond to you.

6. What does Anne believe drives a writer's work?
(a) The climax.
(b) Publishers.
(c) Deadlines.
(d) The writer believing in the position taken by the characters.

7. How do you get your confidence and intuition back?
(a) By stopping the chattering of the rational mind.
(b) By calling a friend.
(c) By exercising daily.
(d) By taking a writing class.

8. Where did Anne get the idea to use broccoli as her intuition?
(a) Dr. Suess.
(b) The fourteenth Dalai Lama.
(c) Mel Brooks.
(d) Samuel Goldwyn.

9. Why does Anne state you should explore and understand your childhood?
(a) To gain the ability to empathize.
(b) To find good material to write about.
(c) To gain the ability to write children's books.
(d) To get rid of past baggage.

10. Secretly, why do some people attend Anne's writing class?
(a) To socialize.
(b) To become her friend.
(c) To learn how to write better.
(d) In hopes she will love their writing and send it to her agent.

11. What is the name of the wire that covers all champagne corks?
(a) Cork holder.
(b) Wire.
(c) Wire hood.
(d) Wire thingy.

12. What did Annie Dillard say about writing?
(a) You have to give the work before you your best, not saving up for a later project.
(b) Take it bird by bird.
(c) Be conscious of how much you have to give, and save up for furture projects.
(d) You should never write when you are upset.

13. What voice does Anne say is the real and true voice of a writer?
(a) Their own voice.
(b) The voice playing on KFKD.
(c) Another writer's voice.
(d) The broccoli voice.

14. What is libel?
(a) Making untrue accusations.
(b) What you can sue the papers for and get lots of money.
(c) Defamation by written or printed word.
(d) It is the liberty within us all.

15. Whose work does Anne love to read when it comes out, but regrets that her students start writing like that author?
(a) Isabel Allende.
(b) Gore Vidal.
(c) Dr. Suess.
(d) Arthur C. Clarke.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Anne, when did we hear and listen to our intuition?

2. From what assignment did Anne end up writing a letter to her son?

3. What is the best thing to do when you have a decision to make and do not know what to do?

4. Why did Pammy's doctor tell Anne to watch Pammy carefully in her final days?

5. Anne has written two books and a short story as presents. Who were they for?

(see the answer keys)

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