Betsey Brown Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Betsey Brown Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Vida think Carrie is?
(a) An alien.
(b) A witch.
(c) A thief.
(d) A traitor.

2. Who runs into Betsey, causing glasses to shatter?
(a) Carrie.
(b) Jane.
(c) Charlie.
(d) Allard.

3. Who warns Betsey about being outside at dusk?
(a) An elderly woman.
(b) A shopkeeper.
(c) A police officer.
(d) A young boy.

4. What does Betsey move because she misses her mom too much?
(a) A dining chair.
(b) A book.
(c) A picture frame.
(d) A deck of cards.

5. How do Jane and Greer react to Betsey running away?
(a) They don't notice.
(b) They call police.
(c) They make a search party.
(d) They sit at home and wait.

6. Which word best describes the conversation Carrie has with Betsey in Chapter 13?
(a) Side-stepping.
(b) Pensieve.
(c) Frilly.
(d) Blunt.

7. What does Betsey ask Greer in Chapter 9?
(a) If Jane is angry at her.
(b) If anybody missed her.
(c) If he still loves her.
(d) If everybody is still alive.

8. What does Carrie do that surprises Betsey?
(a) She doesn't know who Shakespeare is.
(b) She draws a picture.
(c) She recites a line of poetry.
(d) She doesn't know how to read.

9. According to Betsey, who does nobody ever insult?
(a) Eugene.
(b) Carrie.
(c) Jane.
(d) Greer.

10. What does Carrie warn Betsey?
(a) To think with her head and not her body.
(b) To stay away from boys.
(c) To never repeat the information she gives her.
(d) To read about her menstruation cycle as soon as possible.

11. Where does Betsey decide to march?
(a) In the middle of the street.
(b) On the sidewalk.
(c) On the beach.
(d) Through a store.

12. Who takes the children to the demonstration?
(a) Miss Maureen.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Greer.
(d) Vida.

13. Which of the following angers Jane?
(a) Carrie took her children to a different church.
(b) Carrie broke expensive plates.
(c) Carrie cleaned the counters with the wrong sponge.
(d) Carrie did not help the kids with homework.

14. To Jane, what is a symbol of harm?
(a) School.
(b) The black world.
(c) The white world.
(d) Leaving her parents without a housekeeper.

15. When Carrie does not show up for work, where has she been?
(a) Hospital.
(b) Jail.
(c) Kidnapped.
(d) On vacation.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character does not trust Carrie?

2. What does Vida pray for?

3. When Jane sees Betsey in Chapter 9, what does she see in her?

4. Who teaches the Brown children to iron and sew?

5. What is clear about Jane when she has a conversation with Betsey in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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