Aztec Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aztec Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mixtli enjoy feeling an earthquake for the first time?
(a) Because he finds it erotic.
(b) This is a trick question; he doesn't enjoy feeling it at all.
(c) Because he had dreamed about it the night before.
(d) Because he thinks he commanded it to happen.

2. Why does Mixtli draw a picture of Pactli for Lady Jadestone Doll?
(a) So she will pick him to have sex with.
(b) So she will distract him from his sister.
(c) So she will have him killed.
(d) So she will banish him.

3. Who is grabbed as a hostage during Mixtli's quest for the purple dye?
(a) Beu Ribe.
(b) Tzitzi.
(c) Gie Bele.
(d) Zyanya.

4. What about the purple dye is so intriguing when Mixtli first hears of it?
(a) Only women can use it.
(b) It is permanent.
(c) It disappears after three days.
(d) It comes from the gods.

5. What happens when the hollow days end?
(a) There is a night of celebration.
(b) A new year begins.
(c) Everyone confesses their sins.
(d) All the farmers plant their crops.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lady Jadeston Doll do to her lovers?

2. What kind of trial is held after Lady Jadestone Doll's crimes are discovered?

3. Where is the purple dye found?

4. What is unique about Chimali's hair?

5. What is Mixtli's father given in exchange for his silence about what happens to Tzitzi?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the Maya purposefully deform their faces?

2. After the Bishop writes down Mixtli's tale of going to the court of Texcoco, what commentary does he add?

3. How are the men sacrificed in the ceremony Mixtli observes on his naming day?

4. How old is Mixtli when he sees his first human sacrifice?

5. Who tells Mixtli the truth about what has happened to his sister?

6. Who is the cacao-colored man who often wanders the streets?

7. What favor does Mixtli ask of his friends Tlatli and Chimali after his sister is summoned by the priests?

8. How do Zyanya and Beu Ribe decide who goes with Mixtli to find the purple dye?

9. What particular product, used by a doctor to try to save Slave Ten's life, does Mixtli find so interesting?

10. Why do Tlatli and Chimali decline Mixtli's request regarding his sister?

(see the answer keys)

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