The Awakening Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Awakening Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Does Mademoiselle Reisz's performance affect anyone else?
(a) Only those who know music
(b) It excites the adults only.
(c) It arouses everyone.
(d) It excites the children only.

2. What had Edna attempted to learn all summer?
(a) How to memorize poetry
(b) How to fish
(c) How to swim
(d) How to cook

3. How does Edna react to the news she learns at dinner?
(a) She is delighted.
(b) She is shocked.
(c) She is skeptical.
(d) She has no reaction.

4. How does Madame Ratignolle explain the behavior of the Lebruns?
(a) Very logical
(b) They are all given to heroics.
(c) They are bizarre because they are so bohemian.
(d) Unexplainable

5. What does Edna want to do with Madame Ratignolle?
(a) Paint a portrait of her
(b) Start a restaurant
(c) Talk politics
(d) Start an art business

6. And what does Leonce do when Edna asks him to come to bed?
(a) He ignores her and reads the newspaper.
(b) He stays behind to have another round of wine.
(c) He stays behind to finish smoking his cigar.
(d) He comes immediately.

7. Where will Montel be next month?
(a) Vera Cruz
(b) No one is really sure
(c) Santa Cruz
(d) On a cruise ship

8. Leonce is so dissatisfied with dinner he leaves to:
(a) Go to a restaurant
(b) Go to the Ratignolles
(c) Go to see his doctor
(d) Go to the club

9. What is singing in French and a little Spanish?
(a) A green and yellow parrot
(b) A fat lady
(c) A green and yellow iguana
(d) A fat man

10. What does Edna do that surprises everyone?
(a) She jumps into the ocean and swims by herself.
(b) She takes surfing lessons.
(c) She runs up and down the beach like a madwoman.
(d) She forces Leonce to swim with her.

11. Alone in her room, what does Edna do?
(a) She laughs uncontrollably.
(b) She cuts up the linens with sharp scissors.
(c) She packs her bags but decides not to leave.
(d) She tears up a handkerchief, stomps on her wedding ring and smashes a vase.

12. Where does Robert take Edna to recover?
(a) Mademoiselle Reisz's
(b) Madame Antoine's
(c) Madame Ratignolle
(d) Madame LeBrun's

13. Where is Mr. Pontellier eager to go the next day?
(a) Wall Street, to conduct business
(b) Carondelet Street, the business center of the city
(c) Easy Street, to open a bar
(d) Bourbon Street, the heart of New Orleans

14. What does Mrs. Pontellier overhear Madame Ratignolle relate to Monsieur Farival in great detail?
(a) One of her accouchements, or, childbirths
(b) Her intimate moments with her husband
(c) How to cook a chicken Creole style
(d) Her interest in writing a novel

15. When did Robert decide to make this trip?
(a) He cannot recall.
(b) That very afternoon, at four o'clock
(c) Months before
(d) Last year

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adele Ratignolle urge Robert to do?

2. What does Madame Ratignolle mean when she talks about her condition?

3. What does Victor say has changed Edna?

4. Where is Robert when Edna discovers his plan?

5. What does Mariequita think of Robert and Edna?

(see the answer keys)

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