Assassin's Apprentice Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assassin's Apprentice Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What message does Rurisk ask Fitz to deliver to King Shrewd?
(a) That he will stop at nothing to kill the king.
(b) That Fitz escaped once but he will not escape again.
(c) That his sister refuses to marry Verity.
(d) That he wants a fruitful union between them.

2. Which of the following characters tries to get Fitz to drink an antidote?
(a) Rurisk.
(b) Verity.
(c) Kettricken.
(d) Shrewd.

3. How does Regal want Fitz to kill Rurisk?
(a) Poison his wine.
(b) Use the skill to drain his life force.
(c) Call him out in a fight.
(d) Hide in his chamber and hurt him.

4. What did the skillmasters used to be formed into?
(a) Swords.
(b) Kings.
(c) Coteries.
(d) Witness stones.

5. What does Lady Patience's maid suggest Fitz learn?
(a) How to court a woman.
(b) How to play an instrument.
(c) How to joust.
(d) How to mix chemicals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Fitz's mission?

2. Who does Fitz come across in the stables?

3. What happened to Nosy?

4. How does Galen react to Fitz's presence at the lesson?

5. What mark does Fitz have to show how he was saved?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the mountain people send to King Shrewd and what does he use it for?

2. How does Galen appear when Fitz sees him for the first time after his encounter with Burrich?

3. What happens to Kettricken, Regal and Burrich?

4. What rule did Kettricken invoke and what does she tell Fitz?

5. What happens when Fitz uses his skill to contact Verity?

6. What does Fitz learn through his errands for Lady Patience and who helps him with these errands?

7. What does Fitz see when he goes to the Fool's room and how does it make him feel?

8. What does Fitz realize Mistress Hasty at Buckkeep has changed about his clothes?

9. What events happen in Fitz's dream?

10. What happened to one of the most famous coteries and why did it happen?

(see the answer keys)

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