Assassin's Apprentice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assassin's Apprentice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following characters suggest that Fitz be made into something?
(a) Queen.
(b) Burrich.
(c) Regal.
(d) King.

2. Who flees the torture from the mob questioning Fitz's illegitimacy with Fitz?
(a) Cob.
(b) Burrich.
(c) Nosy.
(d) Molly.

3. Which of the following terms describes how the mysterious lady reacts to Fitz's appearance?
(a) Explains his shortcomings to him.
(b) Praises him.
(c) Offers to shop for him.
(d) Berates him.

4. How long was Burrich away?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 1 day.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 1 week.

5. Which of the following is something Fitz learns to do from Chade?
(a) Write in a code that no one else can read.
(b) Follow orders without asking questions.
(c) Surprise men and women.
(d) Announce his presence.

6. Who drops Fitz off at the fortress?
(a) His father.
(b) His grandfather.
(c) His uncle.
(d) His mother.

7. How is Lady Grace now seen by the townspeople?
(a) Ignored.
(b) Despised.
(c) Well loved.
(d) Hated.

8. Who is the mysterious lady?
(a) Burrich's wife.
(b) Molly.
(c) Lady Patience.
(d) The Queen.

9. What does the emblem on the back of Fitz's clothes look like?
(a) Deer hidden behind some grass and shrubs.
(b) Horse jumping over a stream.
(c) Buck's head with a red line through it.
(d) Red and black shield.

10. What does Fitz do when Molly's father tries to beat her?
(a) Runs and hides under a building.
(b) Yells for Burrich.
(c) Strikes the man with a club.
(d) Hides Molly from her father.

11. How would Fitz describes the tasks he must complete for the mysterious Lady Thyme?
(a) Superfluous.
(b) Important.
(c) Ridiculous.
(d) Required.

12. What does one of the villagers refer to Chade as?
(a) Raider.
(b) King's Man.
(c) Cursed Man.
(d) Pocked Man.

13. Which of the following characters takes the news of Chivalry's death very hard?
(a) Fitz.
(b) The King.
(c) Chade.
(d) Burrich.

14. What does Chade do when Fitz refuses him?
(a) Stops providing lessons to him.
(b) Whips him.
(c) Sends him away.
(d) Tells the King he was going to steal something from him.

15. What does Fitz assist Burrich with?
(a) Keeping the stable room they share clean.
(b) Exercising the horses.
(c) Stable master's chores.
(d) Taking care of the dogs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the King give to Fitz?

2. How old was Fitz from which his oldest memory comes?

3. What does Fitz do on the journey to Kelvar's stronghold?

4. Who does the person who drops Fitz off at the fortress talk to?

5. Which of the following characters seems to lack the leadership to rally the towns?

(see the answer keys)

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