American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of Jefferson's primary goals?
(a) The elimination of urban residences.
(b) The elimination of waste.
(c) The elimination of the national debt.
(d) The elimination of foreigners in the U.S.

2. What coincides with the start of Jefferson's supposed affair with Sally?
(a) His gain of the presidency.
(b) His move to Paris.
(c) His withdrawal from a leadership position in the antislavery movement.
(d) The birth of his last daughter.

3. Who is Elizabeth Walker?
(a) Jefferson's youngest daughter.
(b) Sally Hemings' sister.
(c) A woman with whom Alexander Hamilton has an illicit affair.
(d) A woman that Jefferson makes improper adavances to when he is a young, unmarried man.

4. When do historians discover Jefferson is at Monticello with Sally nine months before she gives birth to each of her children?
(a) In the 1850s.
(b) In the 1860s.
(c) In the 1950s.
(d) In the 1960s.

5. What closes all ports in the U.S. to trade and is an economically crippling move?
(a) The Embargo Act.
(b) An attack by the British.
(c) An attack by the French.
(d) An earthquake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellis believe about the relationship of Jefferson and Sally after the story becomes so public?

2. When is there an increase in U.S. military might?

3. For what does Jefferson owe $10,000 his first year as president?

4. What happens between France and England in 1803?

5. Jefferson is a follower of Jesus but for what does he not have respect?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jefferson want to eliminate as president?

2. How does Ellis feel about the accusations that Jefferson has an illicit affair with his slave, Sally Hemings?

3. Why will scholars still be arguing about Jefferson's legacies well into the 22nd century?

4. Of what aspects of our culture and government would Jefferson disapprove?

5. What is remarkable about the deaths of Jefferson and Adams?

6. How does Jefferson spend his retirement?

7. How are Jefferson's views of slavery at this point in his life?

8. What happens between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton?

9. What does John Adams mean by "Thomas Jefferson lives"?

10. What has happened to Jefferson's and Adam' friendship?

(see the answer keys)

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