American Sphinx Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jefferson argue should be eliminated from the Constitution of the new nation?
(a) Freedom of speech.
(b) Women's rights.
(c) Freedom of the press.
(d) Slavery.

2. What illustrates two central features of Jefferson's personality?
(a) His friendships with John Adams and Ben Franklin.
(b) The address called the "Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms."
(c) His relationship with his children.
(d) The amended version of the "Declaration of Independence."

3. What does the author find surprising about an evening devoted to Jefferson in 1993?
(a) The audience has little respect for Jefferson as a president.
(b) 400 people attend, rather than the estimated 40.
(c) The audience is very argumentative about Jefferson's stand on slavery.
(d) 40 people attend, rather than the estimated 400.

4. How does Jefferson arrive in Paris?
(a) Secretly in the night.
(b) In a simple two-wheeled carriage.
(c) In a parade.
(d) In an elaborate, handcrafted, phaeton that is fancier than the one that conveyed him to Philadelphia.

5. To what is Jefferson compared at an elaborate dinner party?
(a) A mime.
(b) A criminal.
(c) A non-English-speaking guest.
(d) A court jester.

Short Answer Questions

1. What promise does Martha extract from Jefferson?

2. With whom did Jefferson engage in vile public clashes?

3. What is Jefferson's most successful financial enterprise?

4. Of what has Jefferson either never learned the technique or accepted the necessity?

5. What does Jefferson owe English and Scottish firms?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is the relationship between Jefferson and Hemings a topic?

2. What do Patsy and Polly have in common?

3. Why is Jefferson claimed by many individuals with opposing beliefs?

4. Why might, by the standards of Jefferson's day, having an affair with a slave and fathering children by her be considered unethical?

5. What does Jefferson do with his companions once they arrive in France?

6. Why might the audience have been too polite to discuss Jefferson's slave ownership and relationship with Sally Hemings?

7. What are two of Jefferson's untruths in his pamphlets?

8. What is the author's opinion about Bill Clinton's behavior with Monica Lewinsky?

9. Why might the author be surprised by the number of people who attend the evening devoted to Jefferson?

10. Why does Jefferson hate Alexander Hamilton so much?

(see the answer keys)

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