All That's Left in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Erik J. Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All That's Left in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Erik J. Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Jamie's last girlfriend?
(a) Heather.
(b) Jennifer.
(c) Cindy.
(d) Renee.

2. What does Andrew do at Marc's house?
(a) Leaves right away.
(b) Eats the food.
(c) Cuts the grass.
(d) Plants flowers.

3. What do the boys notice about Cara?
(a) She seems to not really belong at Fort Caroline.
(b) She is very old.
(c) She seems malnourished.
(d) She is very nice.

4. Who tried to tell the world about the state of affairs both in America and overseas?
(a) Michael Henrly.
(b) Henry Gibson.
(c) Benjamin Wilson.
(d) Richard Robeson.

5. What does Andrew find at Marc Foster's house?
(a) People squatting there.
(b) Bodies.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The president.

6. What is the grocery store in Fort Caroline?
(a) An old Aldi.
(b) A ShurSave.
(c) A Whole Foods.
(d) A SuperShopper.

7. Who is the "Lady Marine"?
(a) Helen Mirwood.
(b) Nadine Price.
(c) Riki Loperson.
(d) Dani Ringwald.

8. What does Jamie shoot in Part III?
(a) An alligator.
(b) A tiger.
(c) A bear.
(d) A lion.

9. What does Andrew notice about Fort Caroline that he thinks is strange?
(a) Absolutely everyone is white.
(b) There is no grocery store.
(c) There is no water.
(d) There is no hospital.

10. What is the main legal problem in Fort Caroline?
(a) Sexual assault.
(b) Theft.
(c) Murder.
(d) There is no crime.

11. What does Jamie realize Henri's "monsters" were likely?
(a) Eagles.
(b) Men.
(c) Escaped zoo animals.
(d) Antelope.

12. Where is Chris from?
(a) Wisconsin.
(b) Texas.
(c) California.
(d) North Carolina.

13. What movie is Andrew delighted to hear that Jamie has actually seen?
(a) Leap Year.
(b) Back to the Future.
(c) Heyday.
(d) Vertigo.

14. What does Cara share with the boys?
(a) Medicine.
(b) Food.
(c) Songs.
(d) Prayers.

15. What do the boys wait for to escape Fort Caroline?
(a) Winter.
(b) The bird migration.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Nightfall.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the boys think about but then decide against as they leave Fort Caroline?

2. Who is Chris's brother?

3. What holiday is it in the end of Part III?

4. Why is Andrew shaken after his interaction with Harvey?

5. Who do the boys meet at the airport?

(see the answer keys)

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