The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fernande refers to Picasso as...
(a) an intellectual wit
(b) an undiscovered genius
(c) a dirty old man
(d) a precocious child

2. What was the main problem with publishing "The Making of Americans?"
(a) length
(b) timeliness
(c) subject matter
(d) required editing

3. Who is John Lane?
(a) professor
(b) publisher
(c) writer
(d) friend

4. The German ship, Fangturm, sold what items to the Mediterranean ports?
(a) guns and ammo
(b) pins and needles
(c) coffee and tea
(d) socks and shoes

5. Stein and Toklas decided to settle down temporarily, in what location?
(a) Palma de Majorca
(b) Prague
(c) Firenze
(d) Manchester

6. What activity did Matisse perform every afternoon?
(a) taking a nap in the sun
(b) walking the family's dogs
(c) drinking wine by the Lake
(d) sketching in the nude

7. What war preceded the first world war?
(a) Spanish Civil War
(b) French and Indian war
(c) War of 1812
(d) Russian Japanese war

8. What was the name of Picasso's second wife?
(a) Eloise
(b) Eve
(c) Marie
(d) Fernande

9. What was the Stein's opinion of Dickens?
(a) she thought he was without talent
(b) she thought he was overrated
(c) she thought he was frightening
(d) she thought he was brilliant

10. Where did Matisse buy a house?
(a) Montmartre
(b) Provence
(c) rue de Fleurus
(d) Clamart

11. What was the occupation of the couple's military godson?
(a) butcher
(b) pilot
(c) mechanic
(d) teacher

12. What trait did Stein profess to have?
(a) inertia
(b) ambition
(c) cowardice
(d) fortitude

13. Stein claims that Cubism is a concept that can be attributed to...
(a) Danes
(b) Spaniards
(c) Frenchman
(d) Portuguese

14. Which of these items was not a feature at the Matisse house?
(a) greenhouse
(b) statues
(c) fountains
(d) flowers

15. Which is not one of Gertrude's favorite saints?
(a) St. Ignatius Loyola
(b) St. Francis
(c) St. Theresa
(d) St. Christopher

Short Answer Questions

1. What item did Gertrude bring back from Rome that was later broken?

2. Where did the Steins move when they left Paris?

3. Who sent money to Stein and Toklas in London?

4. Where was Gertrude Stein born?

5. To whom does Alice refer to as the third genius?

(see the answer keys)

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