The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What experiment did Gertrude perform and eventually write a paper about?
(a) cloning
(b) automatic writing
(c) chemical reactions of sugar
(d) psychology of an expatriate

2. Why was Gertrude going to travel to London in the summer?
(a) to begin a book tour
(b) for the Queen's coronation
(c) to get away from Paris
(d) to visit John Lane

3. Where did the Steins move when they left Paris?
(a) Boston
(b) Moscow
(c) Budapest
(d) Florence

4. What publication published Gertrude's paper?
(a) Harvard Psychological Review
(b) Christian Science Monitor
(c) New York Times
(d) Journal of Medicine

5. According to Stein Germans lack what ability?
(a) organization
(b) common sense
(c) laughter
(d) intelligent thought

6. What year did Gertrude's brother move away from Paris?
(a) 1909
(b) 1914
(c) 1912
(d) 1906

7. Who did Alice referred to as being "a tormented and not particularly sympathetic character"?
(a) Alfred Whitehead
(b) Juan Gris
(c) Victor Hugo
(d) Erik Satie

8. What was the occupation of the couple's military godson?
(a) mechanic
(b) butcher
(c) teacher
(d) pilot

9. What kind of alarms were commonplace during this time?
(a) fire drill
(b) atomic bomb
(c) curfew
(d) Zeppelin

10. Who was forced to leave the Stein apartment at the insistence of a spouse?
(a) Mildred
(b) Amelie
(c) Helene
(d) Fernande

11. Which of these things was not part of Gertrude's childhood memory in California?
(a) eucalyptus trees
(b) animals
(c) park rangers
(d) peaches

12. Who was the guest of honor at Fernande's banquet?
(a) Renoir
(b) Uhde
(c) Ronnebeck
(d) Rousseau

13. What European city did Stein take a disliking to upon her first visit?
(a) Milan
(b) Provence
(c) London
(d) Munich

14. Who refused to believe that there was going to be a war?
(a) Americans in Europe
(b) Hungarians in Paris
(c) Picasso
(d) Stein

15. What was the name of Stein's first publisher?
(a) John Lane
(b) David Starr Jordan
(c) Alfred Steglitz
(d) Alfred Whitehead

Short Answer Questions

1. What trait did Stein profess to have?

2. Where did Gertrude often spend the summer months?

3. At what age did Gertrude attempt to write a Shakespearean drama?

4. The Steins moved again when Gertrude was three-years-old. To what city did they transfer?

5. Where did the Whitehead lived before moving to London?

(see the answer keys)

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