The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of the confectioner who made honey cakes and nut candies?
(a) Ravignan
(b) Fouquet
(c) Nestlé
(d) Parisian Chocolat

2. According to Stein, only Americans and Spaniards can understand what concept?
(a) abstraction
(b) Surrealism
(c) tesselations
(d) Impressionism

3. What was the name of Stein's1,000-page book?
(a) Three Lives
(b) Catcher in the Rye
(c) A Room of One's Own
(d) The Making of Americans

4. What was Alice's great passion?
(a) Archery
(b) Music
(c) Flying
(d) Tapestry

5. The Making of Americans contains how many pages?
(a) 912
(b) 1073
(c) 1000
(d) 821

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the guest of honor at Fernande's banquet?

2. What was Alice's mother's name?

3. What maneuver in driving was difficult for Gertrude?

4. At which of these schools did Gertrude Stein lecture?

5. What artist became famous by painting a portrait of Fernande?

(see the answer key)

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