Airframe Test | Final Test - Easy

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Airframe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the makeup lady assume about Casey?
(a) She is the president of the company.
(b) She is an abused woman.
(c) She is trying to become famous.
(d) She is used to being on camera.

2. What does Casey begin to suspect Marder of after the interview with Jennifer Malone on Thursday morning?
(a) Setting her up to take the fall.
(b) Orchestrating the incident on Flight 545.
(c) Paying off Chinese executives.
(d) Paying off Jack Rogers.

3. Who thanks Casey for her effort after her final report is released?
(a) Edgarton.
(b) Richman.
(c) Marder.
(d) The FAA president.

4. What does Jack Rogers reveal about Norton during his interview with Jennifer Malone?
(a) The wing sell off to China.
(b) The slat deployment problems.
(c) The union threats.
(d) The deal with China.

5. What happens to Casey after the investigation is final?
(a) She calls John Chang's widow.
(b) She gets a promotion.
(c) She reports Marder and Richman to the FAA.
(d) She leaves for vacation.

6. How does Jack Rogers answer questions during his interview with Jennifer Malone?
(a) With confidence.
(b) In monosyllables.
(c) With lots of mumbling.
(d) In long drawn out paragraphs.

7. How does Malone's boss react when she details for him what took place during the test flight?
(a) He is angry with Casey for taking Malone on the flight.
(b) He demands that Norton pays for the broken cameras.
(c) He is unhappy.
(d) He is glad Malone was not hurt.

8. To get him away from the office on Thursday morning, what errand does Casey send Richman on?
(a) To bring paperwork to Norma.
(b) To get breakfast for the investigative crew.
(c) To review the data from the flight simulator.
(d) To pick up the in flight magazine.

9. What does Casey tell Malone the events on Flight 545 began with?
(a) A money exchange between the pilot and Marder.
(b) A bad part.
(c) A tired pilot.
(d) A sabotaged proximity sensor.

10. Where is Norton's Test Facility located?
(a) Yuma, Arizona.
(b) Los Angeles, California.
(c) Denver, Colorado.
(d) Boise, Idaho.

11. What does Casey learn from the QAR that suggests pilot error?
(a) The pilot deployed the slats before landing.
(b) The pilot turned off the autopilot.
(c) The pilot tells the co-pilot he isn't sure what to do.
(d) The pilot was fighting the autopilot.

12. What is Casey warned about concerning Marty Reardon?
(a) Reardon has his own agenda.
(b) Reardon likes to use a person's stress aganist them.
(c) Rearson likes to push people's buttons.
(d) Reardon is kind and gracious.

13. Who is Casey going to lunch with to celebrate the end of the investigation?
(a) The investigative team.
(b) Norma.
(c) Teddy.
(d) Edgarton.

14. What causes Jennifer to stop interviewing Marder and start interviewing Casey?
(a) Marder leaves the room.
(b) Casey cuts Marder off and begins answering questions.
(c) Marder explodes at Jennifer's questions.
(d) Marder tells Jennifer that Casey will answer the rest of the questions.

15. What was mistakenly put into the press packets that Reardon surprises Casey with during the interview?
(a) A report about the malfunctioning proximity sensors on the N-22.
(b) A report about the N-22's counterfeit parts.
(c) A report about the N-22's flight characteristics.
(d) A report about the autopilot malfunction tendencies of the N-22.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Reardon tell Malone about Barker that could make Barker look bad?

2. According to Casey's source, what would the deal with Korea involve?

3. When Casey shows Malone the footage from the cockpit during the actual Flight of 545, what is the first thing Casey points out?

4. How many cameras does Malone put on board the test flight?

5. Why does Reardon believe Norton is hiding the video footage from the cockpit?

(see the answer keys)

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