Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the CIA sure that Iraq has a chemical weapons program?
(a) Iraq used them on Iran when U.S. was helping Iraq.
(b) CIA intelligence shows an "agriculture" building as the research center.
(c) From a surprise U.N. inspection.
(d) Hussein threatens Clinton with it.

2. How does Wolfowitz add to the threats in Indonesia?
(a) By giving false imformation to the amabassador.
(b) Be having Gelbard removed.
(c) By giving false assurances to embassy staff.
(d) By not reading intelligence reports on time.

3. What weapons do the Aum utilize?
(a) Tularemia.
(b) Sarin nerve gas.
(c) Homemade bombs.
(d) Smallpox virus.

4. In regards to the chemical/biological weapons front, what does Colin Powell think about them for the First Gulf War?
(a) He thinks it will send an immediate message if they use it on Iraq.
(b) He believes Iraq has them and is willing to use them.
(c) He thinks they are "goofy."
(d) He believes they should send them overseas but use them only as an emergency.

5. To get fresh eyes looking for bin Laden, what does the CSG turn to?
(a) American born Afghanistans that are loyal to the U.S.
(b) Allying with Russia.
(c) Left behind dissidents in Sudan.
(d) Predators, (unmanned aircrafts).

Short Answer Questions

1. What plan of attack does al Qaeda execute in Indonesia?

2. What does the FBI notice in the summer of 2001?

3. What threat is part of Executive Order 13099 against those that finance terrorist organizations?

4. Where does O'Neill get Aum's contact information?

5. What does Berger do for Clarke as Clarke did for him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Rice's views of CSG when she works in the NSC for George W. Bush's administration?

2. Explain Theme Days and how Clarke handles his counter -terrorism Theme Day?

3. Describe the political cartoon that reflects Clarke's feelings about the Bush administration. What does this motivate Clarke to do?

4. Explain Karl Rove's strategy that Republicans use in election years. How does this strategy turn out?

5. What rejuvenates Intelligence agencies in rethinking al Qaeda? How is this achieved?

6. What is the transition from Clinton's administration to George W. Bush's administration like for Clarke and those working in counter-terrorism? How is this transition received by Clarke and others in counter-terrorism?

7. What do Sam Nunn, Dick Lugan and Pete Dominic have in common? How do they help Clarke's goals with counter-terrorism?

8. List in detail the concerns Clarke has in protecting the troops during the first Iraq War against "special" weapons.

9. Why is the timing of a strike against al Qaeda questionable in relation to the President?

10. What Millennium attack plans are foiled and how are they foiled?

(see the answer keys)

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