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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What occurs after the U.S. leaves Iraq and Kuwait?
(a) The Shi'a takes over the government.
(b) Hussein begins to threaten Israel.
(c) The Republican Guards kill all that revolted against Hussein.
(d) Hussein begins an alliance with bin Laden.
2. Why is the Navy officer unsure of whether to contact Clarke about the World Trade Center bombing in 1993?
(a) It's the first major domestic terrorist attack.
(b) Clarke is not a popular figure amongst the military.
(c) The FBI already arrives on scene.
(d) Freeh tells him not to.
3. What problematic turn occurs in 1985 that alarms the U.S.?
(a) Syria adds help to Iran.
(b) Russia is now invading Pakistan.
(c) Israel and Iran are under terrorist attacks from one another.
(d) Russia is winning the war against Afghanistan.
4. How does Freeh want to handle Sayegh's case?
(a) Detain him illegally to interrogate him.
(b) Banish him to Saudi Arabia so they can handle his case.
(c) Execute him as an example for other terrorists.
(d) Get him to cooperate for a light sentence.
5. According to the Counter-terrorism Security Group, what possible target is a major concern?
(a) Olympic Games in Atlanta.
(b) The World Exposition in New York.
(c) Political Conventions.
(d) Embassies across the globe.
Short Answer Questions
1. Of the following, which military action does NOT occur?
2. What unexpected event happens after the Persian Gulf War?
3. In addition to closing airways, what does Clarke want to safeguard?
4. What does the U.S. buy from Israel?
5. What gets the Pentagon angry at the President's response to the Khobar attack?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is President Bush adamant about despite the international law that Rumsfield reminds him of? What is the international law that Rumsfield mentions to Bush?
2. Compare and contrast alliances and enemies from the Reagan administration and George H.W. Bush's administration.
3. What is the environment in Somalia in 1993? What is happening that the U.N. and U.S. get involved?
4. What are Clarke's feelings about Iraq after the World Trade Center is attacked on September 11, 2001? What does he wish for, and why?
5. Explain the steps and methods the FBI takes to determine the cause of the TWA 800's explosion. What do the FBI and other departments believe the cause is as the investigation progresses?
6. Give a briefing as Clarke does to Bush when they have a teleconference meeting for the first time after the attacks. What happened the morning of 9/11? What are the "Response Actions?"
7. Why does Clarke believe the fight against terrorism begins with Reagan's administration?
8. How do Congress and the Clinton administration try to weaken Iran?
9. Why does the U.S. send Marine forces into Lebanon? What does Reagan tell the administration, and why?
10. What is different about the terrorists involved with the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 than terrorists from previous attacks?
This section contains 1,374 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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