Afterward Test | Final Test - Easy

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Afterward Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 78 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the young man appears behind Mary, who does she at first assume that he is?
(a) The boiler repairman.
(b) Bob Elwell.
(c) The ghost.
(d) A tourist.

2. When Mary and Ned see the man coming toward the hosue in October, what does Mary assume?
(a) It is a friend of Timmle's.
(b) It is their cousin Hugo.
(c) It is the ghost.
(d) It is one of their workmen.

3. What does Mary find in the envelope addressed to her?
(a) A photograph.
(b) A newspaper clipping.
(c) A letter from Parvis.
(d) An anonymous note.

4. When section "III" opens, Mary is spending the morning working outdoors. She goes into the area where the "espaliered" pear trees are (89). What kind of pear trees are these?
(a) They are trained to grow flat against the wall.
(b) They are miniature pear trees.
(c) They are draped with nets to keep the birds away from the fruit.
(d) They are grafted with many different kinds of pears on each tree.

5. What does Mary conclude she needs to do in order to see the ghost?
(a) Make a habit of speaking out loud to the ghost.
(b) Stop actively looking for it.
(c) Find out whose ghost it is supposed to be.
(d) Get to know the house better.

6. When the story opens, in which room of her house is Mary waiting?
(a) The library.
(b) The dining room.
(c) Her bedroom.
(d) The front parlor.

7. When the story refers to "Boyne," who or what is being referred to?
(a) Ned.
(b) Mary.
(c) The house.
(d) Ned's father.

8. Why does Mary believe that people should not talk about seeing ghosts?
(a) It frightens the ghosts away.
(b) It makes people wonder about your sanity.
(c) It is bad manners.
(d) It is dangerous.

9. While she is thinking it over in the library, where does Mary finally decide the blame lies for Ned's distracted, anxious mood?
(a) With Ned's business affairs.
(b) With the house and its ghost.
(c) With herself.
(d) With Ned.

10. What does Mary suddenly remember finding one day in October?
(a) A letter addressed to a previous occupant of the house.
(b) A hidden staircase.
(c) A book on the house's history.
(d) A mysterious portrait.

11. When Mary is waiting in the library at the beginning of the story, where is Ned?
(a) Taking a walk.
(b) Finishing his lunch.
(c) In town on an errand.
(d) Working in his office.

12. What detail does the narrator relate as evidence of how much Ned and Mary have yearned for a life like the one they have in England?
(a) They had a map of England pinned over their kitchen table at their old house in America.
(b) They were discussing a move to England even before they got married.
(c) They had already pre-planned every detail of how they would spend their days.
(d) They made an agreement with one another that they would do "anything" it took to make their dream come true.

13. To what do Mary and Ned attribute the great beauty they see in England?
(a) Its history.
(b) New places always seem attractive at first.
(c) Their own hatred for the American Midwest.
(d) Its small size.

14. What is Ned's joking theory about why the ghost is so hard to see?
(a) The house is deliberately keeping them from seeing its ghost.
(b) It is shy.
(c) It has too much competition from other "ghostly" things.
(d) It will not see you without an appointment.

15. Mary thinks about the "latent" significance of a piece of information on page 83. What kind of meaning does this information have?
(a) Meaning that reveals a hidden aspect of the speaker.
(b) Meaning that seems positive at first but later reveals a negative side.
(c) Meaning that was always there but takes time to emerge.
(d) Meaning that stays with a person and is hard to "shake."

Short Answer Questions

1. For the past week, what has Mary been assuming is the cause for Ned's need to be alone and his odd mood?

2. What have Mary's new neighbors told her about the ghost?

3. Ned asks Alida a question about the ghost's "signalement" (84). What is he asking about?

4. What does Mary learn about the Blue Star Mine deal from her visitor in section "V"?

5. What is the name of Mary and Ned's house?

(see the answer keys)

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