Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "Afterward".
Multiple Choice Questions
1. When Mary is waiting in the library at the beginning of the story, where is Ned?
(a) Working in his office.
(b) In town on an errand.
(c) Taking a walk.
(d) Finishing his lunch.
2. What is the only descriptive detail that the maid is able to give Mary about the stranger's appearance?
(a) He had an unusual hat.
(b) He walked with a limp.
(c) He was not very tall.
(d) He wore foreign clothing.
3. What is Ned's joking theory about why the ghost is so hard to see?
(a) The house is deliberately keeping them from seeing its ghost.
(b) It is shy.
(c) It will not see you without an appointment.
(d) It has too much competition from other "ghostly" things.
4. When Mary tells Ned what she has learned from her mail, how does Ned react?
(a) He gets angry at her and asks whether she trusts him.
(b) He looks guilty and immediately leaves the room.
(c) He relaxes and tells her it is nothing to worry about.
(d) He snatches the mail from her and throws it into the fire.
5. After Mary thinks more about the house and its ghost, what does she begin to wonder?
(a) Whether her household servants have ever seen the ghost.
(b) Whether she might actually already know the identity of the ghost.
(c) Whether Ned has seen the ghost and this is the cause of his strange mood.
(d) Whether it is possible that Alida lied to them about the ghost.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of Mary and Ned's house?
2. When Ned begins to read the newspaper in the library in section "II," he tries to sound casual as he asks Mary a question. What is the question?
3. In section "II," what question does Mary repeatedly ask Ned that evening in the library?
4. What aspect of the house does Alida mention that finally convinces Ned and Mary that it is as old as they are hoping?
5. While she is thinking it over in the library, where does Mary finally decide the blame lies for Ned's distracted, anxious mood?
This section contains 479 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |