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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. As Armistice Day approaches, what bothers Annie about the war memorial?
(a) That Uncle Paul's name will be on it even though he did not die a hero.
(b) That Uncle Paul's name will not be on it.
(c) That it is so expensive.
(d) That Andrew will not get to see the memorial completed.
2. The evening that Annie and her father go back to St. John's, what does Andrew promise to do for Annie?
(a) Write to some of the men in his unit and see if they remember when there was front line fighting.
(b) Ask his commanding officer when there was front line fighting.
(c) Ask Timothy what he remembers when there was front line fighting.
(d) Ask men who were in Uncle Paul's unit when there was front line fighting.
3. When and where did Uncle Paul die?
(a) April 14, 1918, in Germany.
(b) October, 5, 1917, in Germany.
(c) January 4, 1918, in France.
(d) June 6, 1918, in France.
4. Why does Mrs. Crayton visit Annie after school starts?
(a) To introduce her to Mr. Crayton.
(b) To ask her to visit her and Andrew at their home.
(c) To introduce her to Andrew's siblings.
(d) To thank her for helping Andrew to recover.
5. Why is Annie happy when she goes home the evening that she and Father go to St. John's?
(a) The nuns are very pleased with her work.
(b) Everyone at St. John's enjoys her cookies.
(c) Her father asked her to assist him.
(d) Andrew kisses the top of her head.
6. As the days pass since her grandparents and mother left, what does Annie begin to dread?
(a) Her mother's return.
(b) Visiting Andrew and Timothy.
(c) Learning more about Uncle Paul's death.
(d) The beginning of another school year.
7. How was Andrew injured?
(a) He was in a building that exploded.
(b) He lost his gas mask and couldn't protect himself from an attack of mustard gas.
(c) The gas tank of the vehicle he was riding was in exploded.
(d) A grenade was thrown into the trench where he waited.
8. How will Annie find out if the surgery is a success?
(a) One of the nuns will call her after the surgery.
(b) Timothy will call her after the surgery.
(c) Her father will call her from the hospital.
(d) She will find out when she visits again.
9. On her third visit to St. John's, why does Annie try to apologize to Andrew?
(a) Because she forgot to bring cookies.
(b) Because her mother was so rude.
(c) Because she didn't bring anything to read to him.
(d) Because she ran away the first day she met him.
10. Why, over the course of the summer, has Andrew's condition improved?
(a) The doctors are finding better ways to treat his condition.
(b) The camaraderie of his fellow soldiers is helping him to have a more positive attitude.
(c) His father visits daily.
(d) His friendship with Annie.
11. Where is Andrew's home?
(a) A house near Annie's neighborhood.
(b) Near Aunt Felicia's house.
(c) An apartment building downtown.
(d) A farm in a nearby town.
12. What medal did Andrew receive?
(a) Purple Heart.
(b) Bronze Star.
(c) A letter of commendation.
(d) Distinguished Service Medal.
13. What does Annie begin to realize about her mother and her mother's behavior after her second visit to St. John's?
(a) Her mother needs to talk about the war.
(b) Her mother ignores things that are unpleasant.
(c) Her mother is irrational.
(d) Her mother's dislike of anything that relates to the war must influence her mother's behavior.
14. What does Andrew tell Annie about researching Uncle Paul's death?
(a) That it may be difficult to find out what really happened.
(b) To have her father help her research Uncle Paul's death.
(c) That she will need to contact Uncle Paul's commanding officer for more information.
(d) She may learn some unpleasant news about Uncle Paul's death.
15. After Annie learns how Uncle Paul died, why does she feel guilty?
(a) She visited St. John's all summer without her mother's permission.
(b) The pain she caused investigating Uncle Paul's death.
(c) She has been too busy to get together with friends.
(d) She does not have as much time to visit Andrew as she would like.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do Annie and her mother do when they get home after Annie's second visit to St. John's?
2. On Annie's third visit to St. John's, how does Andrew respond when Annie attempts to apologize?
3. What had Andrew considered doing shortly after he was injured?
4. Annie is back in school now. Where is Andrew going soon?
5. About a week after Andrew's surgery, Annie goes to St. John's earlier than usual. What good news does she hear?
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