After the Dancing Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the Dancing Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mrs. Metcalf spend most of her days?
(a) Writing and playing piano music.
(b) Visiting wounded soldiers.
(c) Writing novels.
(d) Designing and sewing clothing.

2. When Annie and Mrs. Metcalf talk over breakfast the day after Dr. Metcalf returns home, what does Annie's mother say about what they saw at the train station?
(a) She refuses to discuss the subject.
(b) She sends Annie to her room.
(c) She tells Annie to ask her father about the topic.
(d) She listens to Annie and explains what was happening.

3. In Chapter 9, who says "I hope I never have to go out there. From what I hear, those fellows aren't very pretty"?
(a) Miss Peterson.
(b) Darby.
(c) The conductor on the trolley.
(d) Emily.

4. How does Annie celebrate the Fourth of July this summer?
(a) Singing the national anthem with friends and neighbors.
(b) Visiting the hospital.
(c) Watching the fireworks from their backyard.
(d) At a picnic in the park with her family and other families.

5. Where is the first place that Annie goes with her Sunday School class?
(a) The city park.
(b) The hospital.
(c) A movie.
(d) Annie's house.

6. On the way home from the train station, what day does Annie remember?
(a) The day her father left.
(b) The day her grandfather died.
(c) The day she and her mother went shopping.
(d) The day the family learned that Uncle Paul had died.

7. Why does Annie enjoy her grandmother's home-cooked meals?
(a) Annie's grandmother always bakes a special dessert.
(b) Because her grandmother teaches her to cook.
(c) Annie's grandmother always prepares her favorite dishes.
(d) Annie's mother has no real interest or talent for cooking.

8. What is the Mayor's announcement on the Fourth of July?
(a) The city is buying a fire engine.
(b) The fireworks will begin after dark.
(c) They need volunteers to visit injured soldiers.
(d) A monument will be built to honor the soliders.

9. During the Sunday School outing, what does Miss Peterson tell Annie?
(a) Annie's father should be working at the county hospital.
(b) Annie's father should have his own practice.
(c) Annie's father should not be associating with Catholics.
(d) That she is glad that Annie's father is working at St. John's.

10. What does Annie usually enjoy on the Fourth of July?
(a) The cotton candy and the special circus performance.
(b) Spending time with her cousins.
(c) Picnics with Grandmother's delicious food, the parade, and most of all the fireworks.
(d) Spending the day with friends.

11. Who are Mrs. Metcalf's second group of friends?
(a) Wives of doctors who work with Dr. Metcalf.
(b) Mothers of Annie's school friends.
(c) Friends of Uncle Paul.
(d) Women who enjoy music and the arts.

12. After Annie's second visit to St. John's, who comes to take her home?
(a) Annie's father.
(b) Annie's grandmother.
(c) Annie's mother.
(d) Miss Peterson.

13. The newspaper is on the steps when Annie returns home from the Sunday School outing. What is the front page headline?
(a) President Wilson to Visit Kansas City.
(b) Vice President Marshall to Visit Kansas City.
(c) World Peace Signed and Sealed at Versailles.
(d) War Monument Donations at 90%.

14. Why is Annie so interested in the things that Ruth shows her?
(a) She wants to know more about the war.
(b) She enjoys poetry.
(c) She is fascinated by foreign-sounding names and exotic places that she might visit.
(d) She loves to read.

15. Why does Annie spend a lot of time alone now that it is summer?
(a) Annie's best friends have moved away.
(b) Her neighborhood friends are too busy to spend time with her.
(c) Annie has too many chores to do.
(d) Her interests are changing and she is growing away from her neighborhood friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the grownups that greet Annie and her parents when they arrive home from the train station?

2. The first evening Annie spends alone with her uncle, he tells her that she is "a person of taste." Why does he say that?

3. What does Annie's Sunday School teacher find disgusting?

4. What did Annie's father do during the war?

5. Who are Mrs. Metcalf's first group of friends?

(see the answer keys)

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