The Complete Fables Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Complete Fables Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Fox and the Billy Goat" what do we learn of the goat?
(a) That it is very weak.
(b) That it is very strong.
(c) That it is very clever.
(d) That it is not clever.

2. In "The Three Oxen and the Lion" how does the lion eat the oxen?
(a) By eating them all at once.
(b) By seperating them.
(c) By hunting them when they are sleeping.
(d) By chasing them all.

3. In "The Dog with a Bell" why does the owner tie a bell around the dog's neck?
(a) To warn people of the dog's approach.
(b) To decorate it's neck.
(c) To know where he is located.
(d) No answers are correct.

4. In "The Lion and the Dolphin" whom does the lion call out to for help?
(a) The bull.
(b) The mouse.
(c) The lamb.
(d) The dolphin.

5. In "Zeus and the Tortoise" which animal does not come to Zeus's wedding feast?
(a) The lion.
(b) The fox.
(c) The tortoise.
(d) The snake.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Frogs Who Demanded a King" what does Zeus throw into the water a second time?

2. Who asks for alms in "The Adder and the File"?

3. In "The Seagull and the Kite" how does the gull rupture his gullet?

4. To whom does the merchant sell this item to in "The Man Selling a Holy Statue"?

5. In "Hermes and the Artisans" what does Zeus ask Hermes to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "The Sleeping Dog and the Wolf" how does the wolf lose his meal?

2. In "The Beaver" what does the beaver do to protect himself?

3. In "The Sorceress" why is the sorceress sentenced to death?

4. In "The Mischievous Man" how does the man try to prove that the Oracle of Delphi is a fraud?

5. In "A Sick Raven" why will the sick raven not be cured?

6. In "The Lioness and the Vixen" why does the vixen criticize the lioness?

7. In "The Middle-aged Man and His Mistresses" why does the man lose all his hair?

8. In "The Hares and the Frogs" what makes the hares change their decision about drowning themselves?

9. In "The Reed and the Olive" what happens to the olive tree?

10. In "Zeus, Prometheus, Athena, and Momos" why is Momos banished from the Olympus?

(see the answer keys)

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