The Complete Fables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Complete Fables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Young Wastrel and the Swallow" what does the man lose?
(a) His hat.
(b) His shoes.
(c) His wig.
(d) His cloak.

2. In "The Wild Geese and the Cranes" who dies at the hunters' hands?
(a) The geese.
(b) The ducks.
(c) The cranes.
(d) The sea gulls.

3. Why is the ass screaming in "The Ass, the Raven and the Wolf?
(a) Because he has sore that is being picked by a raven.
(b) Because a wolf is biting his tail.
(c) None of the above.
(d) Because the master is hitting him.

4. In "The Cicada and the Fox" whom does the fox hear singing?
(a) A nightingale.
(b) A cicada.
(c) A jackdaw.
(d) A kite.

5. In "The Wolf and the Lion" who eats the lamb after the wolf steals it?
(a) The wolf.
(b) The fox.
(c) A hyena.
(d) The lion.

6. In "The Wasp and the Snake" whom does the wasp sting?
(a) The wolf.
(b) The fox.
(c) The sheep.
(d) The snake.

7. In "The Partridge and the Man" whom does the man catch?
(a) A jackdaw.
(b) A cicadal.
(c) A rooster.
(d) A partridge.

8. In "The Tortoise and the Eagle" how does the tortoise die?
(a) He is eaten by some wild animals.
(b) He breaks his shell.
(c) He gets injured and dies.
(d) He falls to the ground from the air and dies.

9. In "The Ass and the Lap-dog" whom is the ass jealous of?
(a) The wolf.
(b) The dog.
(c) The horse.
(d) The fox.

10. Why are the asses appealing to Zeus in "The Asses Appealing to Zeus" ?
(a) To beauty them.
(b) To give them a lovely voice.
(c) To make them stronger.
(d) To lighten their workload.

11. In "The Bird-catcher and the Stork" whom does the bird catcher catch?
(a) A cicada.
(b) A stork.
(c) A jackdaw.
(d) A rooster.

12. In Fable 293 what is the child catching?
(a) Locuts.
(b) Flies.
(c) Butterflies.
(d) Beetles.

13. Who is Polemos?
(a) God of victory.
(b) God of vengence
(c) God of war.
(d) God of beauty.

14. In "The Child Catching Locusts and the Scorpion" how does the child die?
(a) A wolf eats it up.
(b) A handle falls on his head.
(c) A raven kills the child.
(d) He falls down and injures his head.

15. In "The Bees and Zeus" what does Zeus grant to the bees?
(a) The ability to make honey.
(b) The ability to sting.
(c) The ability to buzz.
(d) The ability to make a hive.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Ass, the Cock and the Lion" which animal does the lion eat?

2. In "The Two Carrying-pouches" who creates man?

3. In "The Wolf and the Young Lamb Taking Refuge in a Temple" who is pursuing the lamb?

4. In "The Ass Pronouncing the Horse Happy" which animal does the ass envy?

5. In "The Begging Priests of Cybele" which animal's skin is used to make drums?

(see the answer keys)

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