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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Aeneas transport Anchises out of Troy?
2. Why does Palinurus fall overboard?
3. How does Anchises act when Aeneas first comes to help him escape?
4. Why did the Trojans think the Danaans had left?
5. What does Aeneas think when he spots Helen while Troy is being destroyed all around them?
Short Essay Questions
1. Once Aeneas is definitely leaving, what disagreeable options lay before Dido that make death seem the best choice?
2. What does Jupiter predict will be the destiny of the Trojans?
3. How does Aeneas feel about having to leave Dido and to what extent does he allow his feelings to influence his decision to leave her?
4. Why might the Trojan women have been tempted to set fire to the ships even without Juno and Iris befuddling them?
5. Why should Aeneas not have tried to found a city in Thrace?
6. Describe the "marriage" between Dido and Aeneas.
7. Why is Juno so angry with the Trojans?
8. How does Priam compare and contrast Achilles and Pyrrhus?
9. What ties Aeneas and his people to the land to which they are headed to settle?
10. What fate does Laocoön meet and why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How are the gods and goddesses similar to and different from the human characters? Are they more moral? Wiser? More powerful? Address these questions as part of an essay on what kind of "people" the divine characters are.
Essay Topic 2
Virgil uses foreshadowing for reasons such as to introduce events he will discuss in greater detail later, to create suspense, and to kindle his audience's interest so they will continue to listen to the story. Identify three examples of foreshadowing in this work, explain how they work, and identify what Virgil's purpose might have been for using them.
Essay Topic 3
What is the purpose of Aeneas' trip to the underworld in The Aeneid? What happens while he is there and what does he learn? How might it have changed the story had he not traveled through this land?
This section contains 1,027 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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