A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Trees," the author writes about using trees as _______.
(a) A source of paper.
(b) A means of blocking the sun.
(c) Food.
(d) Energy.

2. The author and a friend who comes to visit one evening make a ___________ cobbler and dance in the moonlight.
(a) Raspberry.
(b) Blackberry.
(c) Blueberry.
(d) Strawberry.

3. "The Traveling Companion" begins with the author's description of his journey to ___________.
(a) His son's school.
(b) His son's home in Vermont.
(c) His cabin deep in the woods of Maine.
(d) The bog.

4. What is "September 27 Starting a Sugar Shack" about?
(a) The author's desire for sugar.
(b) The author's maple syrup-making routine.
(c) The author's interest in squirrels.
(d) The author's daily routines and his daily runs.

5. The author notices the trees and flowers blooming and climbs up into _______________ where he has built a lookout to observe the natural world.
(a) A poplar tree.
(b) A red spruce tree.
(c) A hot air balloon.
(d) The loft of the barn.

6. In "Burning Wood," the author writes that he is happy he has cut down so much wood, and it has given him a feeling of accomplishment. Nevertheless, what is he annoyed about?
(a) His stove is efficient at cooking food but inefficient at heating his cabin.
(b) He is very sore from chopping wood.
(c) The wood is filled with insects.
(d) He is still in need of more wood.

7. When farming begins to spread farther west, the land reverts from farmland to ________.
(a) Forests.
(b) Deserts.
(c) Swamps.
(d) Glaciers.

8. In "Jack," what details are given about the author?
(a) The author's relationship with a young deer.
(b) The author's relationship with his son.
(c) The author's relationship with his neighbor.
(d) The author's relationship with the raven he captured when it was a baby.

9. In town the author meets _________________, who gives him some wood and fixes his chainsaw.
(a) Peter Kinney.
(b) Perry Kennedy.
(c) Patrick Kearney.
(d) Paul Kinnard.

10. The two men catch up on what has been going on in the area, including _____________ protest of a logging operation.
(a) A Green.
(b) An Earth First.
(c) An Audubon Society.
(d) A Sierra Club.

11. What does the author notice about the plants in the shade?
(a) They grow slower and sometimes never flower.
(b) They are lighter in color than those in sunlight.
(c) They are larger than those in sunlight.
(d) They grow faster and always flower.

12. The author reflects in "October 14 To Find Small Caterpillars" that he is much like whom?
(a) Jack.
(b) HIs father.
(c) His son.
(d) His wife.

13. During the author's run, what does he notice?
(a) Several deer in a field.
(b) Snow starting to fall.
(c) The first apple leaves starting to fall.
(d) The leaves have begun to change color.

14. How does the author think the clearing will look in the end, even though his style of harvesting trees could be considered sloppy?
(a) Similar to how it looked before.
(b) The same as if no logging had ever taken place.
(c) Like a desert.
(d) Very different from what it has looked like before.

15. In the section "October 6 Cherry Hill Drive", the author drives to a clearing that has been logged ______________ before.
(a) Many years.
(b) A few weeks.
(c) Many months.
(d) A few decades.

Short Answer Questions

1. During his daily_______, the author sees a web of many tiny caterpillars all flashing together in unison from side to side.

2. What does the author do to the mice?

3. As the author cuts wood for the winter, he notices areas he cleared only a few years before are covered with __________.

4. What does Stuart win?

5. "The Urgency of Spring" is the story of what?

(see the answer keys)

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