A Time to Kill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Time to Kill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At noon, when the court assembles and finds the jury has not reached a verdict, the judge advises them to do what?
(a) Have lunch while they continue deliberation.
(b) Take a ninety-minute lunch without deliberation.
(c) Skip lunch and continue deliberation.
(d) Take an hour lunch without deliberation.

2. Who likely holds the outcome of the Carl Lee trial in the palm of his hand?
(a) The Ford County Klan leader.
(b) Jake.
(c) Lucien.
(d) Noose.

3. When the jury is impaneled, Jake, Harry Rex, and Ellen are in agreement about what?
(a) It is much better than expected.
(b) They are uncertain about some of the members.
(c) Things do not look well.
(d) It is not as bad as was expected.

4. As the riot erupts, what is each Klansman armed with?
(a) A knife.
(b) A nightstick.
(c) A handgun.
(d) A broken bottle.

5. While they await the jury's verdict from Jake's office, what does Lucien confirm as he spins tales regarding his family's heritage?
(a) Ethel is his mother.
(b) As a teen, his family paid his first love's family to move away.
(c) Ethel's retarded son is his half-brother.
(d) Ethel's daughter was Lucien's half-sister who died shortly after birth.

6. Who does Jake learn Wanda Womack lives with?
(a) Clyde Sisco.
(b) Mack Loyd Crowell.
(c) Percy Bullard.
(d) Willie Hastings.

7. Who do the Northern Mississippi black residents recognize as the single white radical NAACP attorney in their region?
(a) Norman Reinfeld.
(b) Sheldon Roark.
(c) Lucien Wilbanks.
(d) Jake Brigance.

8. On Saturday morning, the day after Jake was shot at, the rumor in Clanton is that the shooters claim to be whom?
(a) Klansmen.
(b) Jake's former clients.
(c) Sisson family members.
(d) "Freelancers" from outside Mississippi.

9. Ministers start a parade of black protesters behind a fifteen-foot banner that reads what?
(a) "Free Carl Lee Hailey."
(b) "Carl Lee Was Right."
(c) "Free Carl Lee."
(d) "Tonya Is The Victim."

10. Looking out a window at the black protesters, Barry Acker realizes a guilty verdict will bring a riot and what will transpire?
(a) They will reach the vans safely.
(b) They will make it out of town with the help of additional National Guard troops.
(c) They will be not be injured.
(d) They will not reach the bus safely.

11. Buckley's opening statement runs an hour and a half, and Jake's opening is how long?
(a) Half an hour.
(b) One hour.
(c) Three quarters of an hour.
(d) 14 minutes.

12. When Jake and Harry Rex arrive at the Memphis hospital to visit Ellen, her father, Sheldon Roark, explains what about the injuries to her head that required thirty-nine stitches?
(a) Terrified she will be raped and killed, she beats head against a metal pole.
(b) In the trunk, she beats head trying to summon help.
(c) In the trunk, she beats head trying to get free.
(d) She beats head after being covered by "Mickey Mouse," hoping for help.

13. Who is the first victim to fall in the riot at the courthouse?
(a) Freddie Cobb.
(b) Ozzie Walls.
(c) Lester Hailey.
(d) Reverend Agee.

14. Early Sunday morning, the day before the trial opens, Jake is awakened on the law office couch by what?
(a) The telephone continuosly ringing.
(b) Large, national TV vehicles vying for best position around Clanton Square.
(c) Ellen knocking persistently on the office door.
(d) Sounds of the National Guard taking position in Clanton Square.

15. During the trial on the fifth day, Lucien avoids eye contact with Sisco for what reason?
(a) He knows there is no way to get the figure Sisco has set.
(b) He wants to barter with Sisco on the price.
(c) He is confident there is a good chance for victory.
(d) He knows a wink or nod will consummate the deal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Back at his office, what does Jake drink while his friends drink margaritas?

2. What is Lucien's advice to Jake regarding fear?

3. Who is wounded when Jake is escorted from his office to the courthouse on Friday morning, the fifth day?

4. In questioning jurors individually in chambers as to their position on the death penalty, one black male lies and is allowed to remain, and he later does what?

5. When Lucien gets the opportunity to discuss Sisco's offer with Jake, what does he state the cost will be?

(see the answer keys)

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