A Test of Wills Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline and Charles Todd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Test of Wills Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline and Charles Todd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Rutledge often go to church while investigating a murder?
(a) It helps him deal with Hamish.
(b) He is a highly religious man.
(c) It helps him get a feel for the villagers and suspects.
(d) He enjoys ritual.

2. Who does Rutledge ask for an opinion about the murder case in the beginning of Chapter 13?
(a) Captain Wilton.
(b) Catherine Tarrant.
(c) Dr. Warren.
(d) Hickam.

3. What does Lettice Wood admit to in the end of Chapter 19?
(a) Being in love with Mavers.
(b) Being in love with Harris.
(c) Being in love with Mark Harris.
(d) Being in love with Rutledge.

4. Why does Redfern tell Rutledge he believes a fight between Harris and Refern the Tuesday before the murder could not have been terribly serious?
(a) Harris told him it was just a lover's tiff.
(b) Harris walked with her in the garden immediately afterward.
(c) Lettice Wood told him it was not serious.
(d) Lettice Wood was happy a few days later.

5. Why does Royston tell Rutledge Sally Davenant chose to become a nurse during the war?
(a) To help her country.
(b) To find a new husband.
(c) To keep busy while waiting for word on her cousin.
(d) To help her fellow villagers.

6. What does Wilton continuously refuse to answer each time Rutledge asks?
(a) What his relationship with Lettice Wood is truly like.
(b) What his fight with the murder victim was about.
(c) What his relationship with his cousin is.
(d) Why he broke up with Catherine Tarrant.

7. What does Carfield preach about in Chapter 15?
(a) The sin of murder.
(b) Stealing.
(c) Making the best of one's short life.
(d) Coveting your neighbor.

8. Who does Rutledge think he sees in the garden at the Inn while preparing for lunch in Chapter 16?
(a) Catherine Tarrant.
(b) Helena Sommers.
(c) Lettice Wood.
(d) Maggie Sommers.

9. What does the item Rutledge finds in the meadow in Chapter 12 tell Rutledge?
(a) Wilton lied about seeing Helena Sommers the morning of the murder.
(b) That Wilton was truthful about his activities that day and there might be another witness.
(c) Wilton lied and he must be the killer.
(d) Wilton told the truth about who he saw the morning of the murder, but where he saw them.

10. What motive does Wilton have for murdering Harris?
(a) Lettice Wood.
(b) A title.
(c) Money.
(d) Reputation.

11. At the beginning of Chapter 18, how long has it been since the murder took place?
(a) A week.
(b) A month.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) A year.

12. Who does Lettice Wood remind Rutledge of?
(a) Jean.
(b) Helena.
(c) Maggie.
(d) His sister.

13. How does Hamish McLeod respond to the portrait of Rolf Linden by Catherine Tarrant?
(a) He cries.
(b) He admires it.
(c) He mocks it.
(d) He laughs.

14. Who does Dr. Warren ask Rutledge to come with him to meet at the end of Chapter 11?
(a) Hickam.
(b) A servant of Catherine Tarrant.
(c) Lizzie Pinter.
(d) A woman of ill repute.

15. Who does Rutledge go to check on in the beginning of Chapter 13?
(a) Lizzie Pinter.
(b) Hickam.
(c) Warren.
(d) Lettice Wood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rutledge dream of doing when this case is over as discussed in Chapter 13?

2. Why does Rutledge wake Lettice in the middle of the night in the beginning of Chapter 19?

3. What makes Lettice Wood decide Mark Wilton could not have killed her guardian?

4. Who escorts Lettice Wood to the funeral of Colonel Harris?

5. Who seems to be the main topic of conversation in the beginning of Chapter 17?

(see the answer keys)

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